
I don't understand english comedy yet i enjoy it?

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and i don't find it halariously funny, yet for some reason i can not stop watching it. i'm so intruiged by it, right now i have been consuming the it crowd...why am i so fascinated???




  1. I disagree with the idea that people who don't care for british humor don't have a brain in their heads. quite an accusation there. I don't like it because I don't care for that type of humor. Monty Python: sucked. Absolutely Fabulous: sucked Eddie izzard: sucks

    there is one bloak that i find mildly entertaining who does stand-up in the states, can't remember his name. pudgy faced chap.

    spot on love!!!!  brilliant!!!

  2. One of the problems with British humour is that it has such a broad range, it goes from being purile toilet humour to scathing satire and everything in between. But I think that one of the reasons that other countries "don't understand it" is because the frames of reference are so different and because some of it just seems to be weird only for the sake of being weird, which isn't all that funny (like Monty Python).

    There does seem to be a crop of people that are making shows that are a bit more accesible to other countries, Gervais is a good example of this, theres also Richard Ayoade, Matt Berry (although he can be bizarre) and Simon Pegg. But with all of these theres an inbuilt Britishness that finds it hard to translate to other countries.

    And as for the brain remark Benny Hill is the lowest form of humour that requires a total lack of intelligence to enjoy, so I don't think you can really say that as the British are responsible for some of the dumbest comedies around.

  3. It's a dry humor.

    You're supposed to be intrigued by it.

    Perhaps you've actually got a brain in your head. Those with out brains in their heads don't like British Humor.


  4. that happens to me too, i get distracted by their accents, so i don't think its funny, but sometimes i catch my self watching a really boring british comedy and i can't change the channel

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