
I don't understand her. What do I do?

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My cousin and I have a horrible relationship and I'm not sure why. She acts friendly and nice to my face and then goes behind my back to talk about me to my own brother. She constantly compares herself to me and calls me fat, even though I'm quite slender, and boasts that her butt is bigger than mine. When I think we're getting along, it turns out we're actually not. She can be so nice and sweet and fun to be around, but then I come to find out she was just faking it. The last summer I spent with her, which was about 4 years ago, we had so many fights because she just didn't like me for some reason. She's 2 years younger than me and always follows me around and even wears the same exact clothes I wear some days. She also introduces me as her sister to her friends, but she treats me so badly. One time, she and her friends made fun of me and talked about me when we went to the beach because I didn't know any Jamaican music (we're Jamaicans). I don't know what's wrong with her. I want to just froget her because I'm 17 now and I don't have time for her little games, but my family keeps pushing me to maintain a relationship with her and blames me sometimes for our issues. I don't trust her and I don't like her. I think she's jealous of me and she uses her insecurities as fuel to try and bring me down. I also think she's insane. What do you think about her? What should I do?




  1. I DONT LIKE HER AT ALL. i think u should ask her about it and TRY to work it out. (sorry if i sound like a parent) but i have a cuz who acts exactly like her and evn though shes my godsister, and is 1 year older than me and thinks i HATE  her, she has wierd mood swings but i get through 2 her usually wen i tlk 2 her

  2. shes crazy stay away from her family or not she shouldnt b talkin **** maybe u should tell her about herself see how she likes that.. she probably is jelus o well tell her 2 get a life stay far away from her and dont let her bring u down..

  3. i think you're right. she's jealous. maybe you can ignore her and treat her the way she treats you, to give her the taste of her medicine. she's a brat, just try to stay away. why would you want to hang out with that much of a Big ITCH

  4. She's obviously jealous of you,... but she is family, so you're gonna have to deal with her at point. The best thing to do is remember who she is and be friendly, but not close enough for her to hurt you. Maybe if you're more nonchalant about the relationship and she realizes you can take her or leave her, she'll realize there's no point in trying to get to you. And eventually, she may even mature. In the meantime, you be the bigger person.

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