
I don't understand how to go sideways when surfing a wave?

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I think that is called angleing, but I'm not sure.




  1. just put weight on your toes or heels. start with a little at first then build it up. Soon you will turn across. When going across just relax and try not to go too high up the wave. stay just above the middle so when you slow down you can speed up by heading down the wave

  2. Paddle across the wave slightly when you are going for it. When you get to your feet, put more weight on your back foot straight away and you should be going along the face, instead of straight in. Make sure you lean into the wave slightly when you're paddling across it, otherwise you'll catch the edge and flip the board - you want to bury the rail in the face of the wave.

  3. just what minie m said. it will come naturally with practice and watching other surfers in the water. maybe ask them a question about it in the line up

  4. You won't find anything on the internet that will make you go "oh thats how you do it" you can only find out by trying it yourself.

    Some tips are to lean left or right to go that direction but thats about it- takes practice.

  5. When you paddle for a wave just paddle diagonally instead of straight in, this will help you start the transition to riding the unbroken face of a wave.

    The Surfboard Man

  6. You have to learn with practice... reading a description of how to do it won't help you much.

  7. depends on your board.

    but you have to stand up fast

    if your a kook and your still learning it'll come with time

    if its a shortboard lean either way

    if its a longboard sink your tail and then one you've got it going down the line walk towards the nose and start pumping to gain speed

  8. are you talking about going down the line? what the h**l is angleing?

  9. It's pretty easy Jules, especially in Florida. As soon as you're up on the board, look in the direction you want to turn.; point your index finger and your entire arm in the direction that you want to turn. Look in any surfing magazine for a picture of a pro making a turn. His arm is pointed into the turn, and his body is naturally aligned by pointing. Don't worry about using the rails right now. That will come naturally later on when you become more competent and confident.

  10. I remember looking at guys surfing and asking myself the same thing.  Well, it's called going down the face of the wave or "the line."  For me, I was riding a wave in and I figured out how to turn. Then one day it sorta just happened.  Really you just turn when you take off, but it requires a fast, smooth pop-up and the ability to turn.  So just keep surfing and eventually you'll figure it out.

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