
I don't understand odds. What does 5:4 mean?

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I'm studying Craps and looking at odds and for example, the "actual odds" of rolling a Field number is 5:4

What does this mean exactly?




  1. That means that the chances of something happening in 5 rolls of the dice is 4.

    So, if you have 3:1 odds of rolling a 7, and rolled the dice 99 times, presumably the dice would hit a 7 33 times.

    But, in craps the payoff is the odds so... In a 5:4 odds, you place a bet of 4 dollars and they would give you 5 if you win. 2:1 odds would get you 2 dollars if you bet one. whatever number on the left side of the colon is the payout for the amount on the right side of the colon.

    Also, a 5:4 odds would get you $1.25 if you bet $1.00

  2. The 'FIELD' consists of all remaining numbers except for the four that are left out (5,6,7,8).  Unfortunately, those numbers that are left out have the most combinations possible. Out of 36 possible roll combinations, twenty of them are not in the field.  This means that you only have a 44% chance to win your bet.  Not a very good bet.  I would recommend sticking to the PASS line, backed with max. odds, and place bets on the 6 and 8.

  3. The last paragraph by bittsen2 is right.  Just google craps and look around.  You wont need to know the odds on the field bets or the "prop" bets because you'll learn not to bet them anyway.  Just do your pass line bet and take the odds bet once you get your point.  Then place the 6 and/or 8 or come through the come box for more bets.  Dude, just google it.

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