
I don't understand something

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Why do most black people always critize. I am also black. But most of the black people at my school are "ghetto". I like to shop at Hot Topic and I listen to rock and screamo and like they still critize me. I have a variety of friends but I'm still critized. Is this wrong or what? So basically what I'm asking is, why do most people see blacks as "ghettos". If that makes sense to anyone out there.




  1. I'm black, I shop at Hot Topic, I listen to rock, and I have a variety of friends. I get criticized too. I actually go out of my way to be the very opposite of "ghetto". It's kinda what people expect from us. They (they being the unspecific entity known as society) expect black people to act ghetto. Black people expect black people to act ghetto. So, naturally, if you, or I, or anyone for that matter, moves away from what is expected, we're bound to get criticized.

    My advice: don't sweat it. Yes, it's annoying as h**l, but who are they to tell you who to be? Excuse me for sounding like a middle-school counselor, but really, what do they matter to you? They're not helping you live, paying your bills, or buying you food. So why bother with them?

    ...or at least that's how I think.

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