
I don't understand the meaing of these words and musical! (10 pts. to best)?

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These are some things in a song I'm learning. HELP!

*Bow'r ("The charm of the bow'r!"...)

*Ossia (musical term)

*Allegro molto ( musical term)

Thanks a ton! :)




  1. ossia: its like a different version of a set of notes. usually its simpler.

    allegro molto: yes it's the same as molto allegro. :)

    bow'r: this is actually a poetic word. it stands for bower. and in poetry it usually means a summerhouse or country cottage, though it could also mean a bedroom or a lady's private room. literally it's a shady place under a tree or some climbing plants. here's a selection where they use bow'r.

    Could I find some peaceful bow'r

    Where sin hath neither place nor pow'r;

    This traitor vile, I fain would shun;

    But can not from His presence run.

    notice the apostrophe usually stands for stands for a missing letter.

  2. Ossia: It's an alternative piece in a musical libretto. So, say that the original was too hard for the pianist or they wanted to go with a lighter sound, instead? They would play an ossia, which is usually provided right above the original.

    Allegro Molto: A tempo term meaning "very fast and bright", or that of a march, at least.

    I'm not at all sure about bow'r, though. I think it might just be a word, nothing musical, but I don't really know.

    I hope that this has helped!

    Hayley. : )

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