
I don't understand the saying, "Kiss me, I'm Irish"...can someone explain??

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I don't understand the saying, "Kiss me, I'm Irish"...can someone explain??




  1. Im a fourth irish and even I don't know. I gues they jsut want to be kissed.

  2. Lmao, I have the same problem! I always see these Irish things on the back of peoples car, like, "I am not perfect but I am iris", and I have no clue why they say that. Are Irish people special?

  3. I'm from Ireland and I have no idea!

  4. just a saying.....

  5. me either.......huh

  6. It's a reference to kissing the Blarney Stone in Ireland

  7. its just a saying it doesnt really mean anything they put it on a T-Shirt so that tourists will buy them i know im irish

  8. I dont get it either

    maybe cause the irish are 'lucky' your supposed to kiss them to get their luck?

    haha I have no idea that was a terrible answer hah;...

  9. Yeah, I don't understand it either. Thanks for asking this question!!!!

  10. It started as a St. Patrick's day thing, it just means I'm Irish, so kiss me, there is no deeper meaning.  

  11. It's wrong and they're just trying to trick you. Kiss me instead, I'm Swedish :)

  12. It is a reference to the Blarney Stone. Kissing the Blarney stone brings you good luck so if you can't kiss the stone the next best chance of getting good luck is "kissing an irish person."

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