
I don't understand this one dream.?

by  |  earlier

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I was walking home and this dog starting chasing after me, and this random guy, who was tall, Caucasian, muscular, and had chin straps, let me into his back yard to get away from the dog. Turns out that it was some one that I hadnt seen in a while. When I go to leave, they insisted that they walked me home, and I asked why, and they said to make sure i dont get re attacked. They walk me to my block, and when i turn to go, he grabs my hand. I ask, why did u grab my hand, and they say because I want to be with you.

What does all that mean ?




  1. dog chasing after you = being criticized by friend

    random guy = support

    they or the people who grabs your hand = conflict of desire

    You may be having some  peer pressure in reality. Projecting being chase d by dog symbolize the social pressure you have.   You currently are seeking for some support or same agreement in life.  While searching, you may have some conflict in terms of desire. You may be uncertain about someone whom you should trust or not.  That is why you had this dream vent out.

  2. An attacking dog means a false friend, someone who says is friend, but doesn't act like one.

    Now, if it hadn't been for the dog to attack you, you wouldn't have met your saviour, which in the dream represents a person who will care for you. This means that through a bad thing, a good one will happen, through a deception of a false friend you will meet a new lover.

    If you are straight, the fact that the person was a man could mean that this lover has a visible masculine part of her personality and she is very independent and direct woman that knows what she wants. You might already know this person and she might already be aware of the feelings that she has for you.

  3. Well, if that person was a man. Then you might be going g*y...But I don't really know. You can go to actual dream websites where people interpret your dream for you, free of charge.

  4. You need a companion whom you can trust and take care of you.

  5. You feel very alone ; and its almost by choice ;at least uncousiously ; but in a near future you will meet a real friend who will be there for you ; for a long time  

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