
I don't understand what's going on withe those bike races in the Olympics where they ride along really slowly?

by  |  earlier

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...looking at the person riding behind them for a while and the other rider stays behind them untill they suddenly take off. What are the rules? Why do they go along slowly watching the other person?




  1. They are just testing the bike, to prevent any kind of problems down the road.

  2. The race is a strategic race against your opponent, not against the clock.  It does you no good to go out as fast as you can and get passed in the last several meters because you pooped out.

  3. they are trying to time it just right, and are watching how the other people are timing,

    but the sprint is nowhere near as confusing as the madison

  4. in cycling the second rider has an advantage.  he can draft and slingshot around the lead rider to pass him.  what they try and do is force one another to take the lead, or to get close enough that they can accelerate clean to the line to make it harder for the trailing rider to get by.  it is a strategy thing, based on the areodynamics of cycling.

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