
I don't understand what's happening to me liking a character on MMORPG. Can you understand?

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I've been playing this MMORPG for a little while n I have a lot of male friends on this game. They visit, chat & hang out with me alot. It has been really fun making friends we have a common interest (this game). We talk about the things in the game and laugh and have a great time together and go through the exciting experiences together. Most of my friends are super nice and we're just like buddies. But, there's this one "friend" I've been feeling more for. I'm thinking how can I feel more when this is just a game. I feel like I shouldn't like anyone because its a dumb game and I know nothing about this person in real life & don't want to. But in the game, we flirt a lot and I started having these strange feelings for him which I don't understand. Lately, there was a trouble maker in the mix and he caused a big mess between my friend & I. My friend got mad at him then at me too. He believed what the other person said and said I don't know what to believe when I tried to explain. I had to go visit him to explain things which then he understood and believed me. But I was so hurt after explaining everything to him that I just ran away. He kept trying to msg me and visit to apologize but I kept disappearing and ignoring his msgs cuz I was feeling so mixed up & sad about what was happening to me and why I'm feeling these strange feelings in a game. I'm suppose to be this tough fighter in the game and he made me cry like a dumb girl. LOL. This is so confusing to understand. I don't understand what's going on about what I'm feeling. Does anyone understand what's going on and why I'm so upset over this guy in a MMORPG. It's so silly.




  1. its perfectly fine to like someone who you talk to and connect with, even if its just in a game. you seem like you were pretty close. so when he did something that hurt you, naturally you would feel bad. there isnt anything dumb about it. but im sure that you still have your other friends to cheer you up (in life and the game). so just try to talk it out with him and maybe things will go ok. and if not, like you said its just a game.

  2. We all search for a sense of like and compassion and we look for places where we can express who we want to be without showing who we truly are.  The MMORPG you play (ie FF or WoW) is a very enticing place to do this, because you can be who you want to be instead of being true to who you are.  There is nothing wrong with flirting in a game or talking and having on-line friends.  Sometimes it gives us an escape to where we can dream and fantasize and have fun until it's time to come back to reality.  I'm not saying that feelings while disguised, may not be real emotions, remember it is a game world.  A world made out of fantasy where things may or may not exist.  

    If the friend you have "feelings" for really cares back, then in the end he will apologize and understand what has you all mixed up.  But remember, if you want to know how he feels, know that he is mixed up too, and that him trying to get a hold of you is his way of trying to tell you everything is okay.  Maybe he does want to know you in the real world.  You can only talk to each other and find out the true person behind the game character.  In the end, if you each care, maybe you'll let the fantasy world slip away and the real world come back into focus and know who each other really are.

    When you know without a doubt how you feel, then you will not have the need to ask questions on what to do.  It will just feel right!

  3. Well, he is a real person and so are you, no matter what characters you may play in the game, obviously you still have real feeling and emotions. There is nothing silly about it at all, so no worries there.

    It is up to you if you want to get to know this person outside of the game, or just safely keep it to the game.

  4. Well, you could be attracted to his personality. You don't need to physically see someone to like them, you know. (I speak from experience.) There's nothing wrong with liking him over a MMORPG.

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