
I don't understand what all the fuss is about?

by  |  earlier

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I keep seeing this, and I just don't get what the argument is about. Why are people complaining? I never have had any problems though I don't spend everyday in here. I just don't get it! Can somebody please explain it to me?




  1. It's just jealous people who haven't any friends,tis all.

  2. Jena CE Current Events.

  3. Some of us are tired of seeing all the chat and malicious rumor spreading that goes on here. Pretty simple really.  

  4. WTF is CE?

    Ah... OK now I feel stupid. People are just doing it to get a rise. Honestly they have no lives and should be ignored. I feel sorry for them more than anything if all they do is plot to annoy people they have never nor will ever meet.

  5. I just posted a similiar question, funny isn't it???  lol

  6. I have a very easy solution to this so-called issue. To the few who believe there is a problem in CE, lets get rid of them. There seems to be more people who don't see any problem compared to those few who constantly complain about it. Maybe they are the ones with the problem not the rest of us who enjoy it here? What do you say?

  7. it is all about ratings.

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