
I don't understand what this question is asking?

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In formal essay style, please explain how the global shift in sectors of the Atlantic economy has improved the culture in Atlantic Canada. I'm not asking for you to write this for me, but could you please briefly explain what is it asking, I am not sure what it means. And what does this mean by global shift in sectors?? Thank you




  1. I think, by global shift in sectors, it means the shift of manufacturing to lower-income countries and the rise of knowledge-based service industries.

  2. Well, for one thing, there is a great deal more shipping going on between what were once icebound ports in Russia and the western world.

    This is because of global warming, which has made certain shipping routes that used to be icebound now open year round.

    This reality has made it possible for more direct trade between many northern European and Russian ports that previously.

    Next time some dunderhead tries to tell you there's no global warming, tell them to look this information up.

    In regard to your question, this is a distinct global shift in trading sectors.

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