
I don't understand why Joseph Fritzel's daughter didn't escape?

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I mean come on, why didn't she even try getting out. Couldn't she overpower him? Hit him with something? Do anything? I find it pretty disturbing that she would let someone do that to her... If I was locked up, I would do everything to get out... Even hit him across the head with something and make him unconcious..




  1. I read that he tied her to something with a 5 foot long dogleish for the first year or so of her imprisonment so that she could not try to escape.  After that amount of time, in those conditions, maybe he just broke her spirit.

    Also, as others have said, she was imprisoned in a place where only he could get to her.  If she killed him, she would still have been trapped down there behind all those electronic doors and would have died anyway.

  2. try reading the facts rather than being ignorant

    she was drugged when put in that underground place

    the walls were so thick noone could hear her, and he doesnt look like a guy you can simply overpower, mostly if your kept in a room with small amount of food so you barely have energy to fight, how dare you say something like that, just be thankful this never happened to you.

  3. If she had killed him she and her children would have died down there as he was the only one with the codes to get in and out.

  4. Think you've been watching too much tv!

    Sure - he's a monster - a manipulating monster.

    Not insane - but devious & evil. He deserves to be tortured on a daily basis.

    There are lots of questions still to be answered. Liked, how did he explain the 3 children who were allowed to live upstairs ? To wifey & neighbours & everyone.... Did the 3 children never speak of their time in the cellar ?

  5. she was very young when she was locked up, and you have to remember that he was her father, its pretty complicated. theres a lot of emotional trauma that goes along with being attacked by someone you trust and its not as clean cut as fighting off a stranger.

    she was also locked up pretty securely behind electronic doors and in a soundproof basement.

    also remember that she had her children down there with her. Its one thing to break out on your own, but trying to move three kids with you too?

    this woman was a child when she was locked up, she must have such complicated and messed up feelings towards her attacker, and probably was too scared of him to attempt anything so bold as to try and hit him. and remember she had no idea what else was happening upstairs...she couldnt have known that shed be safe once he was knocked out. she could have thought her mother was in on it, her older children...any other people.

    the mind plays tricks on you when your in a situation like that.

  6. The man was an ogre - I think its unfair to say what any of us would or wouldn't do as we weren't in that situation.  You only have to look at how influenced alot of domestic violence victims are to see how easy it is to over power someones mind.

  7. I am of your opinion. I find it strange. 3 or 4 on one....I dont care what the mind benders say about people getting to like their captors.. Do not agree with it.

    If it had been me - the old bastardo would have long been pushing up the daisies with his testicles hanging from the nearest tree

    There is so much more to this story - I dont go with much we have heard and read so far.  and the mother did not know - Sure - was she deaf and dumb?

  8. because children are terrified of their rapist

    8 solid locked doors

    a tyrannical lunatic thats stronger than her

    what if being hit over the head with a frying-pan went wrong?

    threat of poison gas

    threat of being left to die

    you don't know what you'd do until you were in that situation yourself.

  9. People in that extreme situations have very, very bizarre mental effects. The amount of time she spent there - well, maybe she didn't even understand that what was happening was wrong. She might not have even known it was bad.

    As for the kids, they grew up with that. If somebody tomorrow grabbed you and took you to a place far away, where nobody is mean to anyone else and everything is made of candy - what would you think? You judged your life by the world you knew - until you're exposed to the real world, you have no idea whether your life is actually good or bad.

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