
I don't understand why anyone would smoke?

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my mom is one of those really bad chain smokers, and i hate it. i think it's the stupidest and most selfish thing she can do. i mean i just don't get why someone would spend so much money to kill themselves and everyone around them. i'm not yelling at anyone or trying to be mean, but why do you smokers think that's okay? i mean i understand. it's a physical and mental addiction. but why would you even start?




  1. Lot's of people have different reasons for starting, and I guess as it is so addictive smokers may find themselves smoking around others.  If possible you should try and keep away from your mum when she is smoking, or ask her to smoke elsewhere as it seems like you're smart and want nothing to do with smoking.  You should talk to your mum about it though, as she could be harming you and others.

  2. My grandparents are 87 and 83, and have been smoking for over 60 years with no signs of stopping. If they were to stop, they probably would die. It would be like taking away their medicine.

    My father is 64 and has been smoking for 50 years, and at one time was a 3 pack a day smoker. He has never had a smoking related illness either.

    So I guess your theory on smoking is WRONG!!!!.  

  3. wow. But yeah, I KNOW RIGHT?! It's crazy why people would even WANT to start. You should really talk to your mom, she's killing herself and you need to make her understand that and let her know how it affects you and those she loves. You need to find her help, fast!

  4. You have to understand that you know much more than older people knew when they started.  Now they have been physically and psychologically hooked for so long, to quit is a monster task.

    Why anyone would start NOW, with the knowledge we have is anyone's guess.  But many people do alot of things they know are bad for them.  If you can figure out why then you are the queen....

  5. Or drink? Old habits die hard.

  6. Well,My dear,I think people smoke because they cannot handle the stress of the outside world.  They feel that the nicotine helps to calm themselves down.  It is a filthy habit and I am glad that I never started smoking.  Some people feel that they don't care if this happens to them.  They are feeling good now while they are alive.  But the tragic reality will catch up with them.  Hon,I know you don't mean to vent about this.  But you do have the right.  This is your health that's being threatened.  As well as smoking can kill you,Second-hand smoke can kill us too.  And we don't want that to happen.  I hope your mother will soon come to her senses and quit before it's too late.  This is your mother here and you are her beautiful daughter.  Thanks for your question,I hope my answer pleases you.  If not,I want to apologize.  You have yourself a goodnight and God bless.  Bye for now.

  7. I started smoking because I was going through a depression and felt that it was a good subsitute to cutting myself. Sure enough I stopped cutting myself once I started smoking.

    What's weird is I was adamantly against smoking until that point.

    For about a month it made me feel awfull, it mad me feel sick and I hated it... but that was a distraction from my inner pain.

    I then got hooked and started to enjoy it but I only smoke a few a week and am generaly healthy.

    The reason it isn't illegal is that the government make so much money from it and it would be detrmntal to them to outlaw tobacco.

    Despite the fact that its more harmfull than most of the other illegal drugs. I find it insane that tobacco is legal yet cannabis ( a completely harmless drug) is illegal.


  8. People smoke because a) they like it a lot and b) they're addicted and can't stop. You can't know what these things mean in practice if you've never been a smoker yourself. I mean, I hated my parents' smoking as much as you do when I was a kid, then when I tried it turned into a smoker myself. Entirely different perspective.

    It isn't illegal because you'd have to lock up half the population.

    We tried prohibition with alcohol and it was a disaster.

    As to the health effects, it's said that half of all smokers die prematurely from smoking. That means that the other half don't. And of those who do, not a few are like my father -- "died prematurely" means he died of COPD at 86. Big whoop, he didn't live to 87. I don't want to minimize the real damage it does, but anti-smoking groups spin the figures to make it look worse than it is.

  9. Could be stress.

  10. Alot of smokers start because of something called"peer presure". Someone sees all their friends do it, so to be a part of the group they start too. I have never been a smoker. I tried it one time, when I was 8 years old, and I knew it wasn't for me. I am the only one in my family that doesn't smoke. I have lost 3 family members to cancer so far. I wish that tobacco use was for the most part banned, unless they can find a"good" medical use for it( which I doubt they will).  

  11. People start to fit in.

  12. Peer pressure when they were young or just didn't know the risks

  13. Back in the day, back perhaps when your mother was growing up, there wasn't as much information out on it. That could be why she started. However, today, I don't know why anyone starts anymore.

  14. people start for a few different reasons

    to be cool

    to look like their friends   (to fit in with a group)

    to lose or not gain weight ( works, but not worth the damage to your lungs)

    to look/act adult

    I imagine that everyone who starts thinks they will be able to quit anytime, that THEY will never be addicted. But then they are.

    You don't have to, but you could ask your mother when and why she started smoking; the story might be interesting.

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