
I don't understand why it is so hard to conceive!!!?

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My husband and I have been trying to conceive every since we got married. We both have always wanted a big family and never imagined it would be this hard! I've always wanted to be a mom! I just don't understand why it is so easy for some people, and people that don't even want to get pregnant. Why can't it be easy for us. There are millions of couples who just want to complete their family and it is so stressful and depressing when its not happening. We have been TTC for over a year and its driving me crazy. I never know when I'm ovulating because I'm so irregular. Has anyone experienced this? If so how do you get through it??




  1. You have to just stop stressing...I know it sounds like the hardest thing in the world right now, but stressing about it can actually lower your chances.  It took me 8 months just to get my cycles regular after DEPO.  Now we're only on month one of ttc with normal periods.  Hubby and I are just going on with our lives normally and having s*x when we want to...which after we got that spontaneity and passion back, it's been almost every day, lol.

  2. Hey at least you can keep trying!!! ^_^!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. have your thyroid checked  

  4. I know how you feel.There's people like you say who don't want kid's.The one who deserve them don't get so lucky strange how thing's work huh.People can say oh dont think about it but it's hard and heart breaking.Ive been on so much bc since at a young age and now that i am trying well im s**t out of luck lol There's not exact word's anyone can say to heal the pain of not being able do do what us women are here do which is conceive.What more can we want than to have a child with the one we love!!Keep trying and don't lose hope.Your not alone.God Bless you soon!♥

  5. I know what you mean. I had a bad misscarrige in 06 and have been trying ever since. Hopefully my doc ap. will be helpful tomrow. Try taking clomid I hear it makes women more fertial and can even increase mutiable births.  

  6. I understand what you're going through.  We've been ttc for over a year now.  My periods are so irregular (6-8wks) so I can't really track when I'm most fertile.

    It's really frustrating esp when everyone around have no troubles getting pregnant!  A lot of my family and friends keep asking me if I'm preggo or not.  It's really really frustrating.  Sometimes I cry myself to sleep at night.  I try not to tell my hubby sometimes because I don't want him to feel my pain (though I know he does).

    I pray for a baby every night.  I also talk to my doctor about it.  She recommended fertility treatments, but me and hubby aren't financially ready for that.  I'm about to take Provera and hopefully get my menses regularly.

    It's not the end of the world, though it feels like it.  Discuss options with your husband -- adoption perhaps?  Whatever works for you.

    You are not alone in this.  There are so many people like us out there.

    Baby Dust!

  7. Girl please, I've been tested for everything, taken 3 rounds of clomid and nothing, periods are so missed up and really couldn't say when I've ovulated. Even when I was coming on every month never ovulated. I've chart, nothing. My doctor said enough is enough and has ref me to a specialist, hopefully he got some good news for me. Take care both our time will come. Take care Mommy to be

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