
I don't understand why people willingly choose to believe in faiths that?

by  |  earlier

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time and time again are proven to be flawed, contradictory, spawn from another religion. It's like one group takes there faith in another direction in an attempt to one up the other guys god. How is this different from MOdern cults?




  1. CHRISTIANITY ISNT FLAWED WHEN IST REAL Trinity churches...Avoid those who deny the Trinity....thats right you dont understand.....we are not trying to beat someone out...WE LOVE GOD AND SOME OF US are born again!!


  2. Some people are hard wired to prefer 'magical thinking' to reality. They want to belive in Noah's Ark, they want to believe in talking snakes, they want to believe in the whold nine yards of nonsense in the 'bible' because it's better than their boring, mundane lives.

  3. Weak minds need crutches.

  4. They choose to ignore the obvious in favor of hoping a powerful being favors them and will watch out for them when times are tough. That, and they like to simplify the after-life and anything else that might cause a person to have to think.

  5. willingly? its a choice, everyone has one.

  6. what are you even talking about. i would be helpful to all of us if you didn't just write things that you think or feel. if you have some evidence lets hear it, otherwise don't say anything. it really makes you look stupid

  7. Please cite specific examples, you're speaking in very vague terms.

    Also, faith is faith. There is no understanding to why a person choose to believe. You can try to listen to his/her reasons and then make up your own conclusions.

    Last time I checked, we live in a FREE society where "freedom of religion" is guaranteed to each and every one of us.

  8. It's not any different.  It doesn't matter.  Focus on your own faith and let others believe what they've chosen to believe.  If they're interested in your belief, share it openly, if not, live and let live.


  9. It is in no way different from modern cults in purpose. However, some people will always need to feel like there is something bigger than them. It is their freedom my friend, they have just as much a right to be angry at you for your beliefs as you do for theirs. It is as stupid to ask such questions of them as it is for them to ask them of us. Faith is different than pure beliefs...

  10. Are you saying that of all faiths or most faiths? Some faiths didnt spawn from another religion like paganism or judiasm. There are faiths claiming christianity that have broken out into several different branches and have alot of blatant errors in their teachings. Errors that are against the very thing they claim to be believe in which is weird to me. They have rituals, too many rules, all claim to be the "one true church", tell everyone they are going to h**l for not a member of "their church", ect. These all would be classified as cult.

    I believe in the bible and only the bible because its right to me. I dont go to church. I dont like organized religion. To me what I believe isnt religion, its my way of life.I dont follow certain rituals, church regulations and rules, and say certian prayers. There should be no "requirements" in a any kind of church setting. It should be a loving place, welcome of anyone no matter their color, beliefs, gender, appearences ect.It shouldnt be filled with a ton of rules to follow, rituals and regulations. It shouldnt have punishments for people choosing not to do those things It shouldnt be something that uses fear to force people to accept certian beliefs. Since there is no such place, I dont go.

    Religion has become a problem because of all these things. Things that were created by people that were on a power trip and made themselves an authority on how things should be done.

  11. Where is your faith taking you?

    tGod bless

  12. You are correct this is religion and might as well be a cult. Religion is a result of the fall of man. God created man Genesis 1:26 to have His image(expression)and dominion(execute His authority) over all other creation. Even though man had not taken God in as the tree of life Genesis 2:9 Man was perfect and innocent. Man was to eat of the tree of life which represents God so man could have God's life, that man could match God, to be God's counterpart. As Eve was built from a rib from Adams side to be Adam match Adam counterpart.

    God told man in Genesis 2:17 do not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil(also in the midst of the garden)for in that day thou shalt surely Die. In Genesis 3:1-7 we read the account of how Satan incarnated as the serpent deceived Eve to eat of the tree of knowledge and she gave to Adam. After they ate they knew they were naked and were ashamed. Then they put fig leaves to cover themselves. Fig leaves represent every kind of religion in the world from the beginning unto the end times. Religion is mans invention instigated by Satan who indwelt man when man ate of the tree of knowledge, to try and please God according to mans concept not God's. Religion is the most insidious of all of Satan's tactics to distract man deceive man from God's way of salvation.

    God and religion are of two seperate sources God is the tree of life that gives life to man when we take Christ in as our savior, Christ is the only way for man to be saved. Not into a religion but into the kingdom of God. Christ brings God's life into man that man can be God;s increase. Christ is God and man, through Christ death and resurrection he washes away man sins took away the sin of the world deafeated Satan and over came death in His resurrection. Out of Christ side flowed blood and water .The blood for the redemption of man and the water signifies Christ divine life as the Spirit to come into man that may have God's divine life that man may receive eternal life and salvation. Also the church is produced. All the true born again believers make up the body of Christ. Christ is the head of the church

    and we are His body. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substanttiation of the things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen. Faith is  Christ in us. before we were saved we had no or very little faith. After we believed and received Christ as our savior, our faith increases. I can testify that I have more faith today then thirty years ago when I was first saved. The reason is because as we grow in life as the Lord's life in us grows we believe more, because Christ is our real faith when Christ life grows in us our faith grows because He is faith, we can substantiate more of the things in the Bible then before. Our faith in Christ second coming is increased and we are more watchful to be ready for His return Matthew 24-25. However for yourself my friend do not get distracted by these things, because the Lord warns us about these things also in Matthew 24-25. But you must be the more diligent to make sure you are born anew of God's life if you are not already.

    My website Bibletruthsrevealed(in yahoo groups) has a very good gospel message to read and pray to receive the Lord Jesus CHrist as your savior and eternal life.  

  13. I've never ever understood the concept of "Faith", "Worship", OR "Religion".

    If that makes me, "flawed", I couldn't be more content.

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