
I don't understand why someone would do this please help me understand?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike not from arkansas




  1. Why? Bob is a mama's boy.

  2. ewww...because...people are weird and messed up sometimes?

  3. That's just nasty!  Your mom is right to cut all ties with her.

  4. Are you from Arkansas? Which sounds like an ignorant comment but I seriously know alot of Arkansanians that have been through this.  I don't understand the mom/son thing.  Possibly your mom has told a little white lie that makes it look like he's g*y and/or her son.  Something is wrong.  I wouldn't sweat it!

  5. well this isnt' good and i am not sure why the mom would sleep with the son but maybe they are both messed up mentally which your mom found out and is sick of this mess. she preoably didn't realize how sick her firend was and now she knows so shes staying clear of it and i would suggest it also. its sad and there are not enough reasons i n the world to ok this its just they are messed up and that is what they are oding. very sad. case.


  7. honestly it sounds like a Jerry Springer show story. I don't know I think that is disgusting. I really don't know.

  8. i don't understand the question are you jealous or something?  

  9. yea....right.

  10. L*****n.

  11. wow.. sounds like an episode of Jerry Springer.

  12. I must say it sounds pretty gross and not really my realm of expertise . however perhaps g*y Bob is confused and His mother thinks she is doing him a favor by showing him hands on that women are not disgusting as he may believe . and as is right this upset your mother to learn her friend is having s*x with her son.

  13. Some people are very sick. I do believe you. This is not your business though I would avoid Stacy at all costs and maybe Bob too. Just hope they get the help they need.

  14. Gosh, I don't know the answer to this. What ever they are doing it is freaky. Incest if they are doing the deed. Maybe Bob is bi-sexual and is also into incest?

  15. Honestly, I couldn't tell you why someone would do this. I've learned that there are so cruel and rude people in this world. I would suggest getting your mother to ask her.  

  16. wow

  17. wow...that's sick.  That's why someone would do that...cause they're are SICK!

  18. wow thats really sick now you need to find out if she means her son or someone else  

  19. i cant help you understand that because i cant understand that ! thats disgusting !  i could never understand why people do that . EeEeEeEeEeWwWwWwWw !!!

    SICK , SICK , SICK !!!

  20. if you mean by sleep like the thing you do to make babys then i ahve no clue maby 'bob' decided he isn't g*y. Sleeping with his own mom, maby she's just hot?

  21. wow umm i believe but i dnt kno why this wud b happening

  22. gross!!!!!!!!!!!! graghhh!!!!

  23. if you're not lying, that is really fucked up, do you live in india?

  24. It's called Oedipus complex.

  25. unfortunatly there are perverts in this world such as mother and son couples or even father daughter couples. Your mom may have learned of this and decided that she didnt want  anything to do with these ppl because it violates her own moral standings. ohh and as for bob being g*y he may just be bisexual

  26. Wow girl!

    Not really sure what goes on in some people's minds and why they do certain things. Sickness, perversion, mental instability.....all these could definitely play a part in this but, point is. Your mom has every right (and I definitely agree with her) to distance herself from this person. The answer to "why they would do something so gross and horrible" we will never know but, one thing is definite: Both mother and son need psychiatric help!

    Best of luck to you and your mom!

  27. i dont think you go the story straight or your mom did either...i think everyone in this story is confused.

  28. I dont mean to come off rude or offensive but is your mom a L*****n? She sleeps in the same bed as her friend and she is 41? Maybe there is something she isnt telling you..How old is Bob? maybe he sleeps with his mom because he is scared of something? or maybe your mom is just using that as an excuse to cover something up? Do some investigating.  

  29. maybe she just made something up so that you wouldn't know what actually happened. sorry if i'm no help.

  30. it sound like something jerry springer

    want to answer


  31. Thers no REAL answer....people r just sick

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