
I don't wanna wish anyone harm, but, if all Chinese people die off and others settle in China, will the?

by  |  earlier

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new settlers become Chinese immediately or in a few generations? And, would the land still be called China?

Def. of Chinese:




  1. Yes they would be Chinese.

  2. They would never be Chinese, just like native born US citizens (especially whites) are not considered to be Native Americans. They would always be immigrants. I guess only Asians can migrate and settle somewhere and become native after a time. If other Asians settled there it might be different.

  3. Like anyone can even know that Napoleon.....

  4. put down the pipe son......

  5. well if you get chinese citizenship then YOU can be chinese, if you really want to

    Edit: oopsie LOL


    the land would still be called china, unless the new settlers are tibetans or something, then theyll just expand it and itll become this huge tibet

  6. China is the oldest civilization still in existence. I don't think it's going anywhere. If the Chinese government dissolved, as it has in the past, it would most likely still be called China.

  7. New settlers wouldn't become Chinese just by moving there, but the children born there would be classed as Chinese.

    The land would still be called China unless a Countries Government decided to take over the land through fighting other countries for it, or by other means. They could then possibly change the name to whatever they wish.

  8. what an odd question. I really dont think "all chinese people in china will die off"  and if, you moved to "china" after they all died off, do you think that would make you chinese? You dont just turn chinese.. Weird.

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