I already had a bridal shower that really was just for my family and friends. FMIL decided that she wanted to throw me a shower to meet her family and friends. I'm not interested, frankly. I told FMIL thanks, but no thanks. I told her I am not good with strangers, that I would feel like I was a trick pony on display, that I felt I would have to show off my ring and act the part of the blushing bride and answer a lot of personal questions I don't want to answer and that aren't anyone's business anyway. She thinks I am an awful person for this and that I clearly am favoring my family by only having the one shower which was heavily attended by my side of the family. I think it is best to set boundaries and guidelines with this woman. I also refuse to compromise who I am and eat a lot of finger sandwiches and make meaningless and annoying small talk with old biddies.