
I don't want a link to a website for answers. This video has raised some questions (i might go vegetarian)

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some of the questions raised in this video are

Aren't plants living things?

How can I make up for all of the vitamin deficiencies?

Do you have any pro-vegetarian reasons instead of anti-meat reasons for being vegetarian?

Thanks, I'm just curious =]




  1. As a vegan I don't have any deficiencies.  If you decide to go veg e-mail me and I will tell you everything I eat to stay healthy.  I am very healthy.  As a matter of fact I am more healthy now as a vegan that I have ever been before.

    Plants are living things, but they do not feel pain.  They do not have central nervous systems or brains.  It's like comparing mowing your lawn to skinning a cat.  There is a BIG difference.

    Also, I know you didn't want any links, but is a really important site to go to if you are interested in becoming a vegetarian or even understanding the ethical decision people make to go vegetarian.

  2. There are many reasons one might eat meatless meals, and the prevention of killing an animal for our dinner is just one of them.

    Some people actually do better on a vegetarian diet, because their systems do not digest meat very well, especially combined with lots of other foods. You would need to do a little testing and see what makes you feel best - for example, I tend to start getting sleepy if I eat meat at lunch, yet if I eat vegetarian, I don't. I find it pretty odd, but I think it has to do with my body drawing so many more resources to digest the meat a few hours after eating.

    You can get the nutrients you need, but only if you eat a varied diet, which many of us don't. So whether or not you cut out meat, educate yourself on what you might be missing, or getting too much of, in your diet based on the things you tend to eat the majority of the time.

    I used to have a fairly popular vegetarian site that is no longer online. The reason it was popular, was because I didn't focus on the militant aspects of being vegetarian (like Pam Anderson storming KFC this week), but rather, on the positive aspects of adding meatless meals to our diets. We can feed more people, if we grow more grains and veggies.  Your body might respond better - only you can discover that. And a little bit less karma will be incurred, for every time you say no to meat and yes to eating vegetarian, if that's important to you.

    We have the opportunity to treat each other with kindness every day. Whether you extend that into the animal kingdom or not has to be your personal, heartfelt choice. It's okay if you test the waters without going all the way. If you're toying with the idea, try it for two weeks, look at all the effects (good and bad) and see what you think.

    There are MANY great sites out there with lots of helpful information. I'd check some of them out rather than base a decision on a single video of some dude that sounds a little questionable. Everyone has an agenda... figure out what yours is with this vegetarian topic by exploring it and then making a decision using your gut, your heart, and your mind.

    Good luck!

  3. Troll :)

  4. Aren't plants living things?

    The issue many veg*ns have is not with the killing of living things.  It is with the suffering of animals.  There is no evidence that plants suffer.  Even if they did, veg*ns consume less dead plants overall by not eating animals that ate plants.

    How can I make up for all of the vitamin deficiencies?

    All what vitamin deficiencies?  I'm sorry I didn't watch the video, but as a vegetarian there will be no deficiencies in your diet as long as you eat a variety of healthy foods.

    Do you have any pro-vegetarian reasons instead of anti-meat reasons for being vegetarian?

    By definitition, vegetarianism is anti-meat.  There is nothing we eat that an omnivore wouldn't eat.  So I really don't know how to answer this question.

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