
I don't want a party for my 16th birthday...What should I have? (details please)?

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I'm thinking dinner at somewhere for me and my friends. Where would you suggest? I live in a small place in Buffalo where it's not dirty, idk. Whenever I hear Buffalo I think of downtown dirty, and shot guns. lol NOT where I live. Anyways, it would be December 23erd my birthday, but I could do it on like the 20th so it's Saturday... Where should we go to eat? Then should we go back to my house for presents and do waht? Its hard because all of my friends aren't in the same friend groups so I don't like entertaining all at once. Any ideas? Also, I'd love an outfit - I like simple clothes, preppy I guess - I like Hollister but I like places like Forever 21, and Guess =] Thanks.




  1. mrmrmmrmm why not a party well i agree with first guy bbq or picknics would also do

  2. Do something different, for sure. There is a place that you can go to paint your own pottery. It is a lot of fun! I know the place that is near our house has special girls night. You dress up, feather boas, sparkling grape juice etc. Also, the more people you have they will also give discounts. It definitely makes for a memorable time.

    I'm enclosing a link for a place in Buffalo, NY...I don't know how close it is to you, but if you put "paint your own pottery" in a search engine, you will find a lot of places.

    PS: Happy Birthday in advance!

  3. My birthday is on the 24th of December, so I can understand your dilema!  The 20th might be too close to Christmas for your friends to leave their families and come for a party.  So, look at the17th thru January for your party dates.  Choose your closest buds and plan a ladies day out.  Go to your favorite mall for manicures, pedicures and makeup.  Take a shopping trip for jewelry and girl-stuff. Have lunch at the Food Court and then hit the cinema's for a movie.  Afterward, take a sleigh ride (if you have snow) or go ice-skting before dinner.  Dinner can be at your favoirte restaurant.  Then its home for dessert and a slumber party!  Rent your favorite movies etc.  Have fun!

  4. greetings from north of Buffalo.  lol

    what about a party in the summer instead of winter?  have a beach party or go to the movies and then out to eat at Olive Garden, Smokey Bones, or  Fudruckers

    If you want a winter party, what about a sleigh ride and then hotdogs and hamburgers around an open fire ( some places that offer rides usually have a place for folks to eat), tobogganing at Chestnut Ridge and lunch inside the casino building.  Have Tops/Wegmans make a party platter of sandwiches & a veggie tray.

    happy 16th to you.  :)

  5. what about a bbq or picknicks? those are always fun.

  6. You could get a limo to pick you and your friends up, and take you somewhere nice for dinner. You could just open all your presents and stuff there. I wouldn't make it too long, or things could get awkward. =D

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