
I don't want any friends?

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I'm a sophomore in high school. Most people my age have tons of friends and hang out all the time, but I don't. I only have one friend and she's all I need. I don't hang out with people on weekends but I'm not lonely. I don't want friends. As far as I'm concerned I only go to school to make good grades, not socialize. But I'm not socially retarded. If there's a situation where I have to be partners with someone I know how to communicate.

So is this bad? People say I'm not normal because of this.. is it really that weird to not want friends?




  1. I used to be bff's with a girl, and I'm a guy, and we hanged out all the time. We would never go anywhere without the other ..

    But that's okay I guess .. As long as you have fun in life and aren't lonely, than you should be fine. =D

  2. No....I was like that when I was in school. I always had one best friend who I knew I could trust. I am 31 yrs old now and i am still that way!

  3. sounds like you maybe a little more mature than your classmates and you dont need to have people tell you your ok you just know that you are.  Its better to have one really great friend then a whole bunch of acquaintances you know a good friend will stick around after high school no one will talk to anyone really.  

  4. nothing wrong with that at least someone knows how to choose there freinds wisely

  5. yeah its kinda weird but if you like it then who cares!?!

  6. its not that weird..having one friend is good..but you should talk to other people in your school..don't have to make friends with them but just get to know them..

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