Kissed this girl that had on LOTS of carmex, no signs of lesions, and I washed my mouth off with soap and water 30 mins later (will this have an effect)? I've tested negative for hsv-1/hsv-2 so I don't have the antibodies for it. I was very sleepy when I kissed her so my immune system was down and my lips were very dry. It's been two days and I'm worried sick because school starts in 5 days and I don't want to start off the semester with cold sores/fever blisters on my face/mouth. No offense to people with cold sores because I know many people have hsv-1, it's just that I don't want to catch it as an adult as I hear the outbreaks will occur more frequently if you did not contract hsv-1 as a child.
How come some people with hsv-1 have an outbreak everyday (not literally) but some people barely ever do? What are the factors that determine this?