
I don't want me or my husband to get in trouble?

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okay, me and my husband or going back to school, we are both 21 and his parents are going through a divorce so they are going thorugh a financial hardship. My husbands mother filled out his Financial aide and she put that he was not married so i guess he could get more money. she told me that when i fill mine out to put single to, so none would get in trouble. well i reading up on it and the terms said any false info is punishable by law. I don't know what to do. If i put single will they find out and we both get in big trouble. Does it really make a difference. both my parents are deceased so i can't really ask them




  1. you won't get in trouble, you'll just get less money!  His mom will get in trouble because if she wants you to put "single" on the application, she's still trying to claim her son as a dependent on her taxes.  Once you file your taxes as married, the Government will audit her, and charge her penelties for lying.  The best thing you can do is politely tell her no, then fill out the application correcly.  As a married college student, I'm guessing you're not ritch, which means you'll be elligable for more money based on what you and your husband make.  My wife and I are in school as well, and when I apply I put married.  Don't let your MIL ruin your chances at more money/grants, not to mention get you in trouble with the IRS, that'll cost you way more than pissing her off will

    Don't be stupid enough to follow this request!

    the length of time he's been in school has no bering on anything.  What you're doing is fraud.  remember, your SSN goes on the form, as well as your taxes at the end of the year.  Our government is goofy sometimes, but when it comes to money, they're vicious.  You'll get caught, you'll get fined/audited, and you'll never get a government grant again.

  2. When I was a senior (in high school) my mom filled out all of my financial aide papers and she lied about her taxes because 1) She (at the time) didn't file her taxes for years and 2) so I could get more. They (obviously) found out and I could not even try to file for financial aide again until I was 24 because of her stupid attempt to help. I wasn't even living with her at the time (and we did not get along at all) so I don't know if she got fined or in trouble or anything. I didn't get in trouble I just couldn't get any help and ended up having to go to a different school (after I had been married a year.) I would not recommend doing that. If his papers are already turned in, I would tell them immediatly that he made a mistake so it can get straightened out before something happens to all three of you! Good Luck...And if there is one thing I have learned from being married...Mother-in-laws don't help much (even though some try).

  3. Don't lie because she did. Yes you can get into trouble. you should be honest. He needs to say he just discovered that his mom marked the wrong status. Actually both of you would get more money if you put that you were married. i'm going to guess that she is doing this for her own benefit and that is so she can claim him as a dependent on her taxes. DO NOT LIE!!! Next yr. Tell him to fill out his own stuff. Sounds like she is s******g him over. He is married and would get more funds for school with you as his dependent or wife. He needs to cut the apron strings and stop allowing mommy to do his work for him.

  4. Naw, don't worry about it... but I would think you would get more being married??

  5. DON'T listen to her!  It's  not her asss getting in trouble if caught.

    IF you really need to go to school, you 2 should get an annulment  and remarry after school

  6. I think you should both put married, it is more ethical and he will probably get more student aid that way anyway. The higher your income is, the less financial aid you can get. When you're under 24 and married, they calculate your income as only the money you and your husband make. If you put single, they will calculate yours as only yours alone, I guess. Then both your husband's parents incomes will figure in to the equation to calculate his income. Unless you make a lot more money than his parents, I think you should list yourselves as married. Also, you don't have to worry about being kicked out of school and paying fines and stuff. Hope this helps

  7. your too young to be married.  you really f'ed up.

  8. You are making a fraudulent application and you know it.  One way or another you will be found out and one morning when you least expect it thee will be a knock on the door from a process server handing you a summons.

    Maybe you can both go to jail together... how sweet.

  9. DON'T DO IT. Your mother-in-law is WRONG, maybe that's one of the reasons she's getting divorced. NOT AN HONEST PERSON. If both of you want to go to school there are school loans. Do it the right way and you'll never be sorry or in trouble. Good luck.

  10. Oh boy, aren't you lucky to be in an episode of "MiL from Heel, Knows Best."  Your husband should go to the finance office and tell them his status has changed.

    You should be able to find documents that list all categories and the funds each is eligible for.  When you find the witch MiL is wrong...stick the documents under her nose.  Nicely...or not.

    Which side does your husband lean to?  If it's need to have a serious talk with him.

  11. Don't lye you will get  caught, your husband just need to go to the financial aid office and have the forms changed now.

  12. yes you probably will get in trouble, because any document that requires a ssn.# will tell of any other document that has your ssn.# on it and its just not worth you or your spouse having a criminal record for any future financial institution assistance that you may require in the future.

  13. You'd best fess up.  The little bit of money you'll lose will be well worth the peace you'll find.  The law is not something you want to get on the wrong side of.

  14. At the end of the day is it really worth it IF you do get caught? A little extra money now isn't worth the trouble you would go through if you were caught and prosecuted by the law. You can avoid the worry and the trouble by doing the right thing. You'll sleep better at night too knowing this. And why is your husbands mother doing paperwork for him? He's a grown man and should be making these decisions with you his wife, not his mom.  

  15. You can either call the Financial Aide office and explain to them and hope they are understanding, or you can hope they never find out because if they do, its a FEDERAL offense and they will come down hard on you! Thats where lying will always get you...right where you don't want to be!  

  16. Be careful, when filling out financial aide documents, you will have to show taxes and if they reflect you are married the two of you may face financial penalties as well as loose the financial aide and have to withdraw from school. Be honest and if your funding decreases, then it just means you will have to take fewer classes.

    It's better to be on the safe side.

  17. Too bad you didn't actually marry a man.  A grown man doesn't have his mother fill out financial forms for him, or deny his marriage to save a few bucks.  Perhaps you should suggest to your husband, that he grow up, and manage his own life.  Good luck.

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