
I don't want my doctor to induce me, do I have a choice?

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Hey everyone. I'm 38 weeks along with my second pregnancy and yesterday I had my doctor's appointment. She said I am 1 cm dilated and 15-20% effaced. So basically, I'm not making much progress. She said my cervix was extremely soft and she thinks I will probably go into labor this week (which, honestly, I don't believe her. I think she said that to make me feel better).

Then she said if I am still pregnant by my next appointment (39 weeks) she wants to talk about inducing me. Am I the only one who thinks it's odd she wants to talk about inducing me before my due date? I don't like the idea of being induced. I'm not sure whether or not this is true but it seems like a lot of women who are induced end up getting c-sections. I definitely do not want that.

So my real question is, can she force me to be induced? I mean I've had a normal pregnancy so the baby is not at any health risk. And for those who have been as it?




  1. If the induction isn't for health reasons then she cannot force you to be induced.

  2. I think you should absolutely express your concern about being induced. First off you've got quiet a few more weeks before you should even be having this discussion. I know the whole thing about docs now and days more worried about "scheduling" you in then waiting for you to go naturally and I think it's a real shame that a lot of docs are more worried about getting paid then having there patients let nature take its course. I went over my due date by one week with my first and almost two weeks with my second and both of my babies were healthy. Unless there is some reason for concern that the baby is not doing well in there after your due date you should be able to hang on for a bit longer. I have a good example of all this as well.. one of my friends pregnant with her first was only 39 wks and the doc scheduled her for an induction by 40 wks and she ended up having a c section because of "failure to progress" later on during her second pregnancy she learned that she could have waited another week or so and possibly could have had a regular delivery. Now with her second she has to have another c section....she was very upset and disappointed that she wasn't given all the information that could have allowed her to make the choice of waiting or not....Hope it all works out for ya!

  3. She cannot force you to do ANYTHING.  And yes, it is strange that she would offer induction before 40 weeks.  Why dont' you ask her why she is wanting to do that and tell her your concerns.

    I have a very open discussion with my doctor everytime I go in.  There are things we disagree on, but he is always willing to take the time to discuss and listen to me.  You are the "customer".  You pay her and have every right to do what you feel is right for your body.  If there is no medical reason to induce, why should you????  I would have to hear a really convincing reason to induce before 41 weeks.

  4. I think you have the ultimate decision on whether or not you get induced. Just because she wants to talk to you about it at your 39th week appointment doesn't mean she wants to induce you then.Just keep an open mind, listen to her reasonings, if you still feel you don't want to be induced, I don't think she will force you too.

  5. I was induced, it was fine I had no problems at all, made it go quicker.

    Ask you Dr. to give good medical reasons as to why you should be induced. If it doesnt sit right with you then dont do it.

  6. My doctor offered to induce me at 39 weeks as well so I could "schedule" it.  I declined, and I went into labor on my own at 39w3d.  

    I really don't think she can do anything that you don't want her to do.  Theoretically, you actually have 4 more weeks to have this baby, so I don't know why she is in such a rush.  Tell her to chill out!

  7. NO she cant force you to and get anohter DR if she is being a probelm - you deserve to have a good Dr that you are comfortable with  

  8. No, you cannot be forced to be induced.  I'm surprised she wants to jump the gun this early.  Most OB/GYNs I know don't want to even broach  the subject until after week 40.

    Being induced isn't that big a deal, however.  I was induced for my son because I was 42 weeks and looked like a beached whale (at 10 lbs, 6 oz, he WAS a big kid).  Basically, you go in, have an IV drip and then you swing into labor.  Some women say the labor is more intense, but I didn't think it was that way.  I delivered vaginally, btw.

    So, I'd ask  your doctor to be a little more specific as to why she wants to induce you at 39 weeks.  There may be a valid medical reason she hasn't told you yet.

  9. No, she cannot make you.  You can refuse any procedure you want, at any time.  Don't let them bully you into something you don't want if there's not a very good reason for it.  

    You are correct, induction does raise your chances of a c-section by quite a bit.

    Good luck!

    EDIT -  I was induced with my son due to medical reasons (I was on blood thinners).  I will be doing everything in my power to avoid another induction, it was awful.

  10. Tell her you don't want to be induced, if that's what you want... Or, just don't show up!

    I was induced with my third, without incident, and my doc says she wants to induce on the Oct.15th, even though I'm technically due on the 18th... So, before my due date, just like you... I thought it was weird, too, but since I will be full-term, I will go for it, if she's not born, already. (I think she will come on her own, though: early.)

    I know many people who have been induced, and none of them had c-sections from it... It may slightly increase the risk, if your cervix isn't 'favorable,' but it doesn't greatly increase it, or docs would not want to risk it... Good luck, whatever you do!

  11. Unless there are health issues people have been having babies without being induced for a very long time.

    Some times doctors do this to make it easier on them.

    I would not unless there is a REAL reason like the baby is being hurt or is going to die.

  12. I was induced with my first baby. If he would have stayed in he would have been too big to deliver normal. He was already almost 10 lbs. I know its scary... and NO she cannot force you. But take into considerstion that the baby could be to big to deliver naturally at 40 weeks I think that is maybe why she is trying to induce you. Its your choice. And not all end up in C-sections.  

  13. You have the right to refuse an induction and seek a second opinion.  If there are no risk factors with you, your baby or the pregnancy in general, I would respectfully ask to wait on induction until at least 41 weeks.

  14. i dont think she ment to say induce put strip your membrains they can do it when you are 39 weeks i would talk to her about this it would not effect the baby at all and all the people i known that was induced had a naturl labor put they can not force you to do nothing you dont want to

  15. Speak up, its your body, and your baby.  I was induced, but only because I was 10 days late.  At that point, they say the baby may not get as much nourishment from the placenta.  I didn't really like the idea of being induced, but it turned out to be not so bad.  Actually, it took a while before the contractions got strong, and it was gradual.  I requested an epidural, and i was only in pain for about and hour and a half with a relief between contractions.  

  16. I was induced both just makes labor faster and harder. You need to ask the doctor why she wants to do it now. Im sure she has a good reason. Maybe your due date changed and you dont realize it...Mine changed the last two was 37 weeks and she changed it to 39. It may be because your baby has gotten really big and she wants to get it out before it has to be a c-section...?

    Honestly if you have trusted her so far, why are you worried now...she is the one who has been to school for 10 or more years..not you.

    I know lots of woman who have been induced and none of them had a c-section.

  17. Yes that is very odd.  Inducing is a risk - and it is also risky for the doctor.  Why they keep pushing inducing I don't know.

    The doctor cannot force you to do anything you don't want to.  As long as you and the baby are healthy she can not force you admit yourself to the hospital.  

    I was induced because I was 42 weeks pregnant and 0 cm.  I was 0 cm the whole time and completely against being induced, but the baby is at risk after 42 weeks - I didn't see any alternative.  It was awful.  I was on a liquid diet for 3 days, completely drained, tired of being in the hospital and tired of them putting pills on my cervix every 6 hours - that is not pleasant!  I know some people say inducing is the greatest thing since sliced bread - but I don't believe it as you put yourself and the baby at risk when doing something your body doesn't want to do.

  18. No, she can force you to be induced and I would not unless for a health reason. I was induced after my water broke and I would not dilate on my own. My deliveries went pretty fast after being induced with petocin. For me, I needed the epidural and would not being induced without one. I went into hard labor soon after with the petocin. Hang in there. You should only do what you feel comfortable with.

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