
I don't want teenagers telling me to mind my own business?

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I am aiming this question at mum's. How hard did you find it when you realised your daughter was at an age where she didn't want you going everywhere with her, or even to be seen with you as it's not the 'in' thing?




  1. It's not because being with your Mother in public is not the "in thing", it's because she's growing up and she wantsa bit of freedom and her own space. It will be hard for you but you have to respect it.

  2. i'm 14 and i think it is great that mums want to no everything about u and things like that because it shows that they care.

    hope this helped good luck.

  3. No probs! I've always respected my daughter's space...she's 24 now, and my 16 year old son's cool, too. Just works both ways...they have to let me go wild when my mates are round, and not tell me off! :-)

  4. i am a 19 year old daughter and step mother. my step-daughter is only 2 but i remember being 15 or 16 years old and i can tell you exactly how my mom reacted.

    at first she was very upset. she took it pretty hard because i was her baby girl. she was like im your mother i dont have to mind my own business. but the more and more she tried to pry my life apart the more and more i disobeyed her and did things that a teenage girl should not have been doing. give your daughter some space and don't get too upset when she wants to do things on her own. its not uncommon in kids now. at 12 years old my sister was wanting to do things on her own. my mom learned from the way she reacted with me and my sister is a prefect little angel. she has her freedoms to do what she wants but she also has boundaries and she seems to be fine with them. hope i helped a little bit. good luck =]

  5. mind your own business.

  6. Im 14 && i cant stand my mum getting in my business

    teenagers need space, nobody finds their mums cool at this age

    my sister went off the rails coz my mum constantly pestered her (she's outta that stage now though thank god), giving her no space when she was a teen, they have a bad relationship now, not that my mum gives a d**n, ur daughters lucky to have a mum like u  

  7. I'm a father and my 14yr old daughter is currently going through this stage both both myself and my wife.

    with tens these days, ive noticed that everything they say seems to revolve around 3 main words.....those words are 'whatever', 'mind your own business' and 'shut up'.

    not too sure if its what has been seen on tv with the 'little britain programme' but our teens have certainly changed compared to 15 years ago!  

  8. I have not reached that point yet, my daughters are 3 and 7.

  9. I didn't want to do anything with my parents after I turn 15,

    I'm now 24 - teenagers will be teens and before you know it they be on their own. I cant even imagine letting my boys go - My son at 6 years old sometimes just wants to be by himself and play. Just give her space and maybe have 1 day of the week a night out with her, try spending meal times together - sitting as a family. Need to cherish that and take advantage of every chance you can get, but remeber that  giving space thing is a must in tenagers..

  10. My daughter is 3, and she is a little diva! She doesn't like me to be around while she is playing with her friends, but other times she NEEDS me to hold her hand.  Im only 17, and I still like to have my mom around.  Its so funny the way she will shoo me away and say, "Go ' way mommy!"

  11. Its not that it isn't in, we just want our independence as we grow.  We want opportunities to be able to prove we are big kids.

    My parents didn't seem to find it hard when I stopped wanting to, because I was child number 6 so I guess they were ready for it.

    And it was kind of awkward going somewhere with both of my parents back when I was boy crazy in my p*****n years and wishing soo bad that I had a boyfriend.  Third wheel much?

    I'm 16, and I don't care now.  I go places with my mom all the time, but I don't mind because I go places on my own or with my friends and equal amount.  I'm going to  a party tonight, and my dad wants to drive me, but I really want to drive myself, not because I care that I'll be getting dropped off, but because if it turns into one of "those" parties, I can come home early and prove myself

  12. Don't take it personally, it's just a teen thing - they are a funny sort of animal. Their peer group is absolutely everything to them and parents are at best a supplier of resources and at worst a complete embarrassment.

    Sometimes it hurts my feelings a bit but then I remember that I was just the same or worse as a teen (although maybe a little more outwardly respectful).

    As long as they know that you love them and are always there for them without being judgemental I think that eventually you will win them back into some sort of normal two way relationship.

    Parent of 21, 18 and 13yo girls.

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