
I don't want to go. I need an excuse?

by  |  earlier

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My friend wants me to go to this anime convention (if you know what that is) since I'm not really into it, nor do I want to waste money getting materials I need for it... I dont want to go. I've played along and said I was going for awhile because I didnt think we were really going to go (she never follows through), but its in 3 days. My other friend already told her that she couldnt go because she needed to go to her cousin's bday, so if I make up an excuse that I need to go somewhere she's not going to buy it. What else can I say?




  1. the best thing to say is tell her you just dont want to (obvisouly nicely tho) and say youre not so into it

    however if youre totally convinced it would make the relationship worse.....then i wont be able to convince you to tell her the truth

    i think you should just say, soon

    "heyy, so were like rlly good frnds, so we can b honest wiht eachogther right..?

    (shell say yeah or wtvr)

    "rite. so to be totally honest, the convention in three days. i dotn want to go so much. im not into anime half as much as  u are, its not a me kind of thing to do! i mean i dont have aproblem with it, justn ot my type of thing..srry srry srry but i rlly dont want to go...srrrry!

    or osmthing along those lines

  2. say you have diarrhea!! no one will question that.

  3. Ok these are things ive used in the past...

    -two days before say your not feeling well and than say a day after the event that your better, tell your parents you know dad or mom and they'll understand or just dont tell them just her.

    -say your grandmother blacked out and is in the hospital and your waiting for the news

    -say your mom or dad is making you go visit someone, family, friend event, you know?

    -say your grounded (badmouthing your parents or something along those lines)

    - you could tell her sweetly that you artnt feeling up to it( personlay this one works the best, you know pms, tired, ate something bad...)

    I dont know you could always tell her the truth but i dont know how shed react, but if you do be nice, considerate, and sweet about it, not rude and hateful.

    good luck* :)

  4. Your best bet Be honest with you friend  This way you do not have to remember what what excuse or lie you told her Your  friend may get mad at first but  will get over it in time

  5. Just tell her that you can't go because you're not into it....and yes she might complain and say "Friends don't betray each other"  or stuff like that but hey it's worth telling the truth than going to something you hate!

  6. Tell her that you simply don't have the money for that right now. The simplest, most truthful explanation is always the best. But, if this is a very good friend and it is very very very important to her, i would just go... sometime in the future you may want her to go somewhere with you that she really can't afford at the time either. Friends make exceptions for good friends... But if this is just a frivolous unneccessary waste of time then don't go.  

  7. Tell her that you thought you had the money to go, but it turns out that you didn't.  

  8. just tell her you dont really want to go and that you dont have the money,  or tell her that ur mom or dad or sumbody wont let u go haha lol......

  9. Since you've played along and told her (for 'a while') that you’re going--GO.  

    And the next time you don’t want to do something, say ‘no’ from the beginning.

    By the way, what kind of materials do you need?  My son went to an anime convention earlier this year and he didn't have to take anything, but he did have to buy a ticket.

  10. ezxtfrhyujwerthujwetghjerg

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