
I don't want to go on holiday now because of the spanish air crash!!!! HELP?

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hi guys im generally petrified. I was allready a bit edgy about it but I'm so scared of everything. I don't know what to do. My mums now saying do I want her to book the holiday but I'm not sure if I could take the fear! Please help me.




  1. It depends what airline your taking and what type of plane. SpanAir isn't that big of a company and its not doing that well at the moment - its been cutting routes and firing lots of people because they lost £40million in the first half of the year. Also, the plane wasn't the usually Boeing that you would fly on. It was an MD-82 and was quite old.

    When I was on holiday a few weeks ago we were on an MD-82 and the wings looked really dirty and the plane was old and looked pretty beaten up (inside and outside). If your flying with a big airline such as BA and on a Boeing (most likely) then you will be fine!

    Anyway, your wayyyyyy more likely to get hit by a car when crossing the road than being involved in an aircrash.

    Also, the plane shouldn't of taken off people the engine caught fire when they were taking off so they tried again and looked what happened!

    Trust me - nothing to worry about.

  2. Grow up!!!! in the time it takes to read this answer sombody somewhere will have died in a car crash.Are you never going to go in a car again?

  3. Dont worry. Airplane accident are very rare, you dont see one happening everyday whereas a car accident happens to happen every couple of minutes.

    Just dont worry, i hate airplanes aswell but nothing happened to me i've been n holdiay loads of time and every time i return back just fine.

    So ahead and go on holiday and enjoy yourself


  4. chances of an air crash are lower than any other form of transport. flying is very safe


  5. airoplanes hardly ever crash, they wouldnt fly otherwise! the reason its in the news is because it hardly ever happens, how many air crashes do you know? everythings a risk but it has a small chance of happening

  6. Ok think of it this way. Plane crashes are 1 in a million. This plane crash today was that one so you can fly safely now because its not going to happen again for a long time (most likely for another year!).

    Last summer I flew from SFO to Washington D.C. and that same day there was a passenger plane crash in Brazil that killed everyone (180+) on board.

    Honey you're in the clear! Go and enjoy your holiday.

  7. Just for the record, old airplanes are no more dangerous than new airplanes.  Unlike cars, airplanes are maintained with loving care, and if you maintained your car the way airlines maintain their airplanes, you could not only drive it for the rest of your life, but so could your children and grandchildren and beyond.

    You're more likely to be hit by a flaming meteor crashing through the roof of your home as you sit reading this answer than you are to die in a plane crash.

    The last significant crash in Madrid was about 25 years ago.  During the interim, about one billion passengers have passed through the airport.  A hundred and fifty people out of one billion is about one chance in seven million of being in a crash. If you flew in a plane twice a day, every single day of your life, you'd have to live for NINE THOUSAND YEARS before you'd be likely to experience an airplane crash.  The Great Pyramid in Egypt is only half that age.

  8. You'll be fine honest... there's a greater risk every day of you crossing the road, or by everyday household accidents !!

    If you're really petrified, there are tranquillisers that you can take before you board the plane, and you won't be the only one at the airport that feels this way, so if your parents have a word with the steward on-board they will help you through the journey.

    As regards the crash, they are rare.. so please don't be put off.

    Just enjoy, you'll be at your destination, in the sun, before you know it.

    Caramac x

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