
I don't want to grow up.............!?

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sorry for all the dots, i needed to use the 20 characters

but, im scared to grow up, i'm 15 but i dont want to get older! Time fly's by too fast! My life is wonderful! My parents are awesome! How old are you and how do you feel about growing up?




  1. Yeah growing up can suck when you're not ready no matter what your age.I'm a little older than 15. Okay a lot older.I'm fine with growing up it's the growing old I want nothing to do with. BTW what does this have to do with Gardening and Landscaping? LOL,you'll be all right.Every phase of life has great things to look forward to.

  2. I'm 56 and still jump on the bed. Growing up is different than getting old, one is mental the other is physical. RScott

  3. Yeah,join the crowd.  

    I'm 51. Yep, old. And I've not grown up yet.  But it is better to stay on track and grow up and be adult.  Really. Take it from someone who has tried both.  Just take it a day at a time and learn what you can.  Growing up is lots of fun.  

    Yeah, being grown up is more fun.  I wish I could do it again.  

  4. I am 15. i used to be in a hurry to be an adult, but the truth is, now i am in no hurry to grow older or get younger (if it was possible :)   ) I have learned to enjoy life as it comes at me, day by day, and with every year you will experience new joys, some better from the year before.

    God bless you :)

  5. 51 - going on 19 .....!

    Growing up is a wonderful and compulsive experience ... you have no choice in it, the clock of life won't stop ticking for even one nano of a second..... it opens more doors, gives new and different (perhaps) better perspectives on things that happen and will happen in your life, you will learn lessons (some good some not so good) that will prepare you for other events when you get older ..... life is an advanture .... growing up is that adventure ...

    However growing old is a different matter - that's about how you deal with the adventures you've experienced in your life .... you can let life get you down and 'feel' the years you've clocked up or you can treat each passing moment as a bonus and make the most of it ..... the trick is to try to be philosophical - that there is a reason to everything, and find something positive in everything you get involved in or happens to you ....

  6. omg no offense but this is such a little kid question just deal with the fact that you cant stop growing up so just deal with it theres nothing you can do so just live life to its fullest everyday  

  7.   I'm 22-years old, and at first I didn't really want to be older. Now looking back on it I'm glad I am older and I do not wish to be younger. I just feel much better older now, even though being older comes with more responsibility's.

    When you get older you'll probably enjoy it. For now your young so have fun while you can. Don't worry to much about it. You have time before you really need to worry about something like this. So like I said just enjoy being young while you can.  

    If it bothers you a lot then talk to your parents about it.

    Anyway have fun being 15.

  8. i am 25. when i look back i loved growing up. if i stopped at 15 think of all the memories i would have missed

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