
I don't want to immunize my child. Any advice for dealing with schools?

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I heard there are forms you can get to make the schools allow your child to still go to public/ private schools. I also do not have money to get a lawyer to fight the school on the matter. I immunized my daughter from birth and my son is 5 and starts school this year. My son was immunized from birth but will need more immunizations before school starts. I do not want him to have any additional immunizations. Any advice?

I do not want to argue about why I should get him immunized. If I have another child I will not get him/her immunized.




  1. I think you're insane not to have your child vaccinated. I hate to say it, but that is my personal opinion. I'm a med student and would have my children vaccinated in a heartbeat.

  2. I think you would be better off homeschooling, so other children are safe from your children.

  3. you need to have your children immunized to protect them and other children in the school. Where I live, i don't think we have any types of 'religious waivers' that others are talking about, you may want to research and see if you would be able to do that where you live. If not, homeschool them. Thinking that Jesus dying on the cross will protect them from disease is ok if thats what you want to believe, but realistically its not the truth, sorry. If it were, than anyone who ever believed in him would never get sick, have cancer, etc.

  4. Tell them it is for religous reasons, they can't go against that by law.

  5. Well your child will risk the chances of getting a disease then .... not very smart on your part... the reason we don't have many disease that Can potentially kill is because of Immunizations

  6. most schools, at least here in Michigan have a "religious waiver" that you can sign that states you do not have to have immunizations done.  I would talk more with the school.

  7. Get him or her out of the school and give people a football-style stiffarm if they try to get in your way.

    I recommend the basic, vital vaccinations, but not the multitude of PC ones, and those should be your choice. Too many vaccines can overtax the immune system and harm the body. That could be worse than the diseases they purport to prevent.

  8. they normally have forms to fill out about religious objection, but  sometimes it is just smart to get the immunizations anyway.

  9. Check out the local forums over at to see what other holistic/AP style moms are doing in your area.

    For anyone curious about vaccinations, selective and alternative schedules check out pediatric Dr. Robert Sears' website and The Vaccine Book: Very informative with a well-rounded approach. He is not anti-vaccine, not by a long shot, but he provides excellent information for those with concerns about metal toxicity, introducing a vaccine too early, and those wishing to select only regional and age-appropriate vaccines.

  10. The rules requiring immunizations are to protect the OTHER children, not yours.  If you want your kids to get those diseases, that's your problem, but I wouldn't want my children put at risk because of YOU.

  11. You can find a church on line that can give you a letter saying that you cant get your children immunized because of religious reasons.You have to get a letter or you will have to home school your kids, and you need to have to have the credentials for that. I understand your point,I didn't want to get my children immunized either because of all the things that is related to the medicines. So what i did was space them out much far apart than than what the doctor wanted me to so the body will have time to proses one shot before another is administered.

  12. but they could die - sorry if that harsh, but its true. talk to a doctor about immunizations, the reason they made them was for everyone to stay well and also to keep the next person well to. Sorry, but this bad step could cause a epidemic to ensue!!!

  13. Just fill out the form.  I've done it for years with my children.  They can't force you to immunize your children.

  14. Hopefully not.  If your kid passes an infectious disease onto some other kid, - maybe spreads chicken pox to somebody pregnant - I hope you get sued.

  15. Leave the country. Why should your child endanger other children? We have immunization rules for a reason.

  16. Have you thought about homeschooling? That way you won't have to fight with school officials about your decisions.

  17. If im not mistaken they ask you to bring in some sort of documentation or proof of your religion as to why u dont what the child immunized.

  18. people like you are the reason why some diseases are on the rise again because of children not being vaccinated. School rules are there for a reason. So, diseases don't start popping up everywhere. With people like you in the world they will. Rearch is your friend. You evidently haven't done much of it.

  19. To not immunize your children is not only irresponsible, but it's selfish.  You're putting your own children and everyone else's at risk.

  20. Wow, it amazes me how many people are so rude about YOUR decision not to put needles into your children that are filled with all kinds of things that you don't have the slightest clue as to what they ARE and what they DO. Just like they put mercury into so many vaccinations yet people don't think twice about injecting that into their kids and they yell at you because you don't want that in your children. Ignore this ignorance filling the nation. Anyway, depending on where you live, they SHOULD have forms you can fill out that will release the school's responsibility in your child getting an illness that you did not want them to vaccinate them for. Although, considering how many of our 'rights' have been dwendling, I wouldn't be surprised if they require you to.

  21. well...home school him if your child gets something and passes it on to other children you could actually be sued for negligence for fighting the schools good luck because that is a very important requirement even the illegals who put their kids in school follow that rule (ironic right?they don't follow any other rules) because without a lawyer you will not get your child in school(sometimes even with one you wont get him in)

    edit....i believe in Jesus too I'm a christian....but i also believe that god put this idea in some peoples  mind to invent hospitals and doctors and immunizations i believe Jesus helps heals an saves but i also believe that i should immunize my child if God forbid your son was hit by a car would you expect Jesus dying on the cross will help him or will you take him to a hospital...sometimes common sense should apply

  22. just home school them, like my aunt did for my cousins, so they can have no social skills....

  23. It's a state law.

  24. send a note or email to them that's what my mom does

  25. Sorry, but you can't put it out there on a public forum and then limit the types of responses you get.

    It's irresponsible to not immunize your children, and exposes them to a lifetime of disease and illness, as well as other children who are subjected to whatever your child has as a result of your decision.

    Clearly your first had no adverse effects, jumping on the bandwagon or believing alarmist email forwards is inconscionable.

    Better look into home-schooling.


    You Wrote: "According to my christian scriptual beliefs my children are safe from disease and sickness because of Christ's death on the cross. "

    I hope that's great comfort to you when your child dies of an easily treatable disease or when he gets the first documented case of polio in the US in over 40 years.

    And as for thinking for oneself, perhaps you need to take your nose out of the christian scripture and go look in the mirror if you want to LOL at a zombie.

  26. What happens if you kids  pick up a disease and die in the future?? What are you going to say then? There is no way that all christians children have been perfectly healthy. You put this question out there so you can't say how we can answer. Don't be stupid let them get immunized.

  27. immunization laws are required to protect ALL  children from specific illnesses that produce serious epidemics/death or damage/death to the child.  

    have you really researched why each immunizationis required?

    perhaps you never have come incontact with the results of these illnesses.

  28. ummmm... why don't you want to protect your child... immunizations don't last forerver, you have to get more! just like a tetanus shot is recommended every 5 years... let them get immunizations why wouldn't you! it's just protecting them!

    if you refuse to get them immunized for their own safety then you are an irrisponsible parent!

  29. How can somebody who blindly believes fairy tales call people followers.  You're an idiot and your children should be removed from your home.

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