
I don't want to kill myself..?

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but what do you do?...when you made so many mistakes in your life where you absolutely hate yourself. My kidney donor/used to be best friend/ex girlfriend won't even talk to me anymore. Won't even try to attempt to regain our friendship back no matter how hard I try. She's cut me off with no answers. I dated this girl and i knew it was a mistake, but I put so much faith into her of when she said that if we ever did break up, we would be friends. While that's one problem, i believe she now has feelings for my twin brother...another issue I have to deal with. If anyone has any insight to help me because I just don't know what to do anymore.

A friend, a soul mate, an organ, and love all together is a lot to deal with, to just forget out and move on with your life.

I don't want help from the psych because it's against my faith. I believe the path to help is through friends, always have, just this time, it's not working.




  1. Look,don't kill yourself! You have so much to live for....I unsterstand how things can be,but hey!that's life babe! If something happens,then,so be it! When you run away from something,it stays there longer,but when you fight only makes you stronger!

  2. Dont worry about the

    people in ur


    theres a reason they're

    not in ur


  3. You really have got a lot to deal with and you wont feel better overnight. It is very hard to accept when someone you love doesn't love you back in the same way. You must be strong willed and tell yourself that NO- ONE is worth killing yourself over. We have all made mistakes in our life that we cant change but you can change your outlook on your future. Try and keep your distance from your brother and ex g/f/friend, take some time out to think positively about your own future and what you would like to do next. You have to face up to reality unfortunately, i know that is really hard, but you cant keep tormenting yourself every day with this problem. For now, just take 1 day at a time, get through it and tell yourself that things can only get better...

  4. You, Better Not! , I Didn't and we share almost the same thing.  It's been long ago for me, but made it out. Now it is hard to get through I won't lie, but what you can do is go on dating, and let your feelings out, there are many like you that also need to hear from you and make friends. Something could sparkle, it did for me. If the first does not work, find another.   Very important is that you pray to God with all your heart humbly, break down to him, pray for mercy anytime and anywhere. It is only between you and him. Read the bible even though you don't understand it. Opening it is like being in front of the throne of God. It is him directly speaking to you. He saves through the Word. Ask Him  for understanding and He will give it to you if it is his will and in the appropriate time.  We are at the end of time when he is actually revealing a lot from the bible at this time. We are living the last of tribulation. that is why you see so much suffering going on around the world and around us and things are not getting any better. It hasn't for me, but I don't let my bible go, I can't stop reading it.

    I read it very carefully. I go back to every verse over and over to see how God uses his words in the bible.  Compare scriptures with scriptures, the word of God says to compare spiritual things with spiritual things to get the spiritual meaning of what God's message is.

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