
I don't want to move into my grandmas house!!?

by  |  earlier

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My grandpa died last december/january, and ever since then, my mom keeps talking about moving into my grandmas house to keep her company. I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat or anything, but my grandmother has rules that you'd think were from the sixties or something! one time in my house my mom said i could do something and my grandma was over and she stopped me from doing it because she didn't think I should. I'm a teenager; I don't want to be 14 and not be able to have slumber parties or birthday parties or halloween parties or anything and not be able to stay up talking late at night, or be able to follow my mom's rules or exceptions without my grandma yelling at me! I have chores at home for an allowance, and my grandma disapproves, so I probably won't get an allowance at HER house. It will never be home when I live there. Help!!




  1. Have you talked to your mom about this? If not, please do so. If Grandma is able to be on her own with out help, I don't see any need to move into her house. If your mom is having problems (finicially, I could see where that could help.) You need to talk to your mom and find out exactly why she wants to move back in with her mom. She may not have shared everything with you when making this decision. Let her know your old enough to understand what exactly is happening so you can make an informed decision and let her know that you will do some things grandma wants you to but you also don't want to give up everything for her.

  2. If you do end up moving into your grands house, then talk to your mom ahead of time and tell her that you think she should be your boss and not your gr-mo. If that doesnt work be a total brat until the old lady caves in and gives up.

  3. You are a very important person in this family.  You are a strong person that can take on physical roles that older people can not handle like chores around the house.  Whe people get older, they get set in their ways, and it is hard for  them to adjust like it would be hard for you to adjust.

    Let everyone know how you feel up front, In a few years, you will be the person that will be the hub of the family, running things for all the older people, so build ground rules for that right now.  Let them know you want to be there for them, if they need you.

    Do chores with a happy attitude, and that will gain respect.  Always ask is there something you can do for them, and mean it in a very respectful way.

    Tell them you love them, they will not be here forever.

  4. communication

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