
I don't want to share a room with my step-sister any more?

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I am 15 and my step-sister is 11. She acts older than her age and is really fun, or so I thought. At the start of the summer she stopped sharing a room with my other sister and now shares a room with me. I really liked sharing a room with her because she helped out. Recently she has stopped helping, and is really sarcastic and rude. She never wants to do anything. I want her to move back in with my other sister, but my mom says it was my choice to share a room with her and I have to deal with it. What should I do????




  1. Well of course you guys are going to be conflict due to differences.   You're in high school and she's just entering middle school.   And then I'm guessing your other sister is a few years younger than her.   Anyways, due to the age gap, of course you're all going to fight and argue once in awhile.  Since you are the oldest sister, I agree you should be able to have the room to yourself.  However, since  you are also the oldest sister I think you should choose to be the better person and as the last person said just deal with it.  

    This is because, if your 11 year old sister really is entering this bratty stage, it would be even worse if she was rooming with your youngest sister, who would not be able to stand up to her.  At least with you rooming with your 11 year old sister, she can't get way out of hand because her bigger sister will be there to stop her also.  Also, this sister is going to look up to you a lot, and it'd be nice to have you be there for her.  

    As you both get older and different, you'll probably fight more often, but I think in the long run it will bring you closer together as your younger sister starts to learn what you have to go through.   And then looking back, you'll appreciate the time you did get to spend together.

    Unless you absolutely can't stand it, I'd try to stick it out living with her.

  2. You are older than her. It's your obligation to show maturity over her. How does wanting her to move back with your sister going to help with what you found to be wrong with her behaviour. I agree with your mom - deal with it. Deal with it in such a way that you her realise the wrongs she might be doing without you throwing your hands in the air.    

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