
I don't want to start a political debate but!!!!!?

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I was just reading up on all this nonsense about the VP and the rumors surrounding the birth of her son. My question to everyone is why is it all a sudden being questioned about "who is going to take care of her kids when she is working and who would want to be a house husband" I mean come on never once in all the elections was this said but now all of sudden since she is running for VP the question of the kids come into play??

I just thought that it was really demeaning to woman with the comments the press are making.

Now I don't want to start a debate about who is better and who is going to win and no nasty remarks I just wanted to know what everyone thought about this.

No reason to be nasty!!!




  1. I personally think it's hypocritical of anyone who supports women's rights to now question Palins ability to juggle work and family.   For years women have fought to have that stereotype of belonging in the kitchen wiped away, and now you have the very same group of people (Liberals / Dems ) questioning if she can!   How sick is that?

  2. The simple answer to your question:  Sexism.  Our political establishment for the most part is a "Men's Only" club.  I'm surprised people like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer are not coming to her defense.  Perhaps they are sexist as well, even though they're females.

    Edit:  Basketball Fan88:  You can have a job and a family AND put family first, whether you work in the private sector or in the government.  I know plenty of people with Down's Syndrome kids (like my sister) and they do just fine.  The only logical explanation for your post is that you are a sexist.

  3. I agree with you. But she does have a child with Down Syndrome Also her 17 year old daughter will need help with her kid. I'm not sexist and personally I would like a woman to reach this office to help promote further equality. But how can you devote you're life to public service when you're family also has some issues to take care of. I would rather her put the family first. But I have nothing against having the father be the primary person in charge of family issues. Personally McCain could''ve chosen more qualified women and even more qualified candidates it really looks like he's trying to pick up upset Hillary supporters (and that's an insult to women trying to bring in women). Kind of ironic that Palin became a major woman vice president nominee in the same election that Hilary tried to become the first vice president. Correction (President)

  4. Yes, it is sexism.  There's an assumption that women are poor mothers if they hold down highly demanding jobs.  (It can be debated whether the vice presidency qualifies as long as the top guy stays healthy, but being a candidate definitely does.)  I have seen a few press criticisms of Obama for the time he spends away from his young children, but still, and for a while yet, women are going to hear a lot more of this than men.

  5. Believe me, you aren't going to start a political debate about this particular issue.  

    Questions that have to do with concerns about who will stay at home with the kids should a candidate get elected have nothing to do with politics.  Rumors that her son might actually be her grandson have nothing to do with politics.  

    One might as well ask "what if Obama gets injured playing basketball?"  

    Some questions you just have to wait until they come up and let the person they affect address them.

  6. The kids aren't the issue, her apparent lack of communication with them, and more importantly her handling of the firing of a state trooper for strictly family matters are.

  7. Basically because its new on the American scene, most of the other women who have run have been older, or with older children.

    Its a tough job to run a house and five kids including a newborn with special needs.

    Its not demeaning to recognize this.  That we need a way to manage this is usually accomplished by the use of a nanny, women this high up as to attract attention by working aren't looking for after school daycare.  They have it.

    The average waitress or beautician is the one who needs the daycare concerns expressed by the right.

  8. well who watches obama's kids? i was a stay at home dad,and my kid's turned out isn't like the kids will be running the streets .

  9. The question would have never been posed about a liberal pro-choice woman.

    I'm not trying to stir the pot.  That is a fact.  It is only being brought up because she is a CONSERVATIVE woman

    it's not a general thing against women overall; just pro-life women.

  10. I have always stayed home and took care of my kids every chance I get. Which is alot. The result is a couple of daddys girls. We get along just fine.

  11. I don't think people were meaning to be demeaning (well maybe some).  I think its a legit question considering she'll practically be raising two babies while being Vice President.  It can be stressful.  Considering the condition the country is in, we need to make sure our candidates will be doing everything to get us on the right track.

  12. Palin can handle being a working Mom.

    It's some of the people in this country that can't handle a working Mom being the VP. Especially a conservative Mom. Leave the family out of it. Mr. Palin can also handle being a stay at home Dad. Can this country handle that?

    I wish the Palin's the best.

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