
I don't want to talk to my friend but he gets upset. Help?

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I'm not real big on talking about my feelings. I'd rather listen to others with their problems than bother them with mine-which aren't really "problems" anyway. So, on some days when I feel kind of down, I'll tell everyone I'm fine but, my friend wants to delve further into it. He's one to talk about his feelings and things and comes to me to talk and I don't mind that at all. I'd rather keep what I feel to myself but, then he gets upset and now, he doesn't tell me anything. And it's not that I'm uncomfortable talking to just him, I'm like that with most everyone. Yet, he's the only one who gets upset. I don't want him upset or shut me out but, I don't want to talk either. What should I do?




  1. He probably likes you, but doesn't know how to tell you. :)

  2. From what you told me, I think you can make a very balanced decision.  You don't need to talk about everything, or even a lot of things.  But, maybe try sharing a bit more with your friend, and let him know you are making an effort.  Part of friendships is sharing the self.  It may seem uncomfortable, but it is part of what builds familiarity and intimacy.  He is probably a very good friend if he cares enough to try to talk to you about you.  A LOT of guys wouldn't care at all.

  3. Well buddy you put up walls (emotional)

    me to but i dont put them up to block anyone out but to see who is brave enough to climb over them and don't let this guy fall and break his leg....i keep to meself because normally no one cares sometimes when people ask if i'm okay and i say im fine i want some to say HEY STOP LIEING :) but hey maybe you can tell him that your are not comfortable dicussing your feelings ..nothing personal and btw i think he has a crush one you!

  4. Maybe opening up to him would be good. It's not good to let stuff stay in. It'll explode one day! I think he likes you. Wants you to feel comfortable talking to him as much as he does to you.

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