
I don't what to do is it time for divorce?

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My husband and I have always had little tiffs about stupid things we disagree on but lately it seems like that's all we do is fight and they are becoming bigger fights everyday. I do love my husband but I cant take much more fighting. He hardly ever talks to me and no matter how much I ask to talk about the problems we are having he just wont have a serious conversation with me. I have suggested counseling and he said that it was completely a no and we didn't need it. I hate to even think of divorce because we have a 5 month old son but i just think that our marriage is extremely broken and if isn't willing to make an effort than it cant be fixed. opinion? suggestions? anything please




  1. don't say anything to start a argument and if he starts one then tell him that u don't want to fight. and just tell if we don't go to therapy then at least you guys can just talk calmly about this situation

  2. you can't fix every marriage - but for now, maybe the best strategy would be to make it clear that you are ready to leave if the situation does not improve and that you are going to take steps to that end (settign up your own financial situation, arranging for support for your child, pursuing legal advice). that way, if he refuses to change, you can leave when you are READY to leave and on your own terms.

  3. My wife and I went though a similar situation, and we ended up going to counseling and working on our communication. Most of the time fights happen becasue of how one of you perceives what the other is saying. What both my wife and I learned is when someone says something you think is offensive or makes you angry take a few seconds and process it. Did they just really say that and how do I think they meant it?

    Your husband has to be willing to work on the marriage. Does he think you will really divorce him? Do you think he has someone else?

    When you have a child you have to do everything possible to make it work. I am not saying becasue you have a kid stay together regardless, but I know that my daughter is the most important thing to me, and not seeing her everyday would kill me.

  4. i know this may sound small to you but this worked for me. you guys are still human with your own personal issues. and then the baby is here which makes everything more hectic. what you're going through with the new baby is not the same as what he's going through with a new baby. him not wanting to talk is not helping you so you're never going to know what the underlining issues really are. this is what helped me. let it all go. the words exchanged the mean behavior him ignoring you all the issues let it all go and start over. one day, when he comes home just greet him as a new person and ignore the mean gestures you might get. kill it with kindness. sit and tell him you love him and you want to start over. you guys should go out on the town spen the day or evening together and just have fun. it'll bring the love and good memories back. it works trust me, but you both have to be open.

  5. Having a new baby in the house is stressful.  If there is some way you and the baby could go visit a friend or family for a couple days?  I just did that and now my guy is kissing the ground I walk on.

  6. you have a baby, marriage is always difficult when there is a baby. Express how much you want to get counseling. Explain, really, every marriage needs help every once in a while. It's teaches different techniques to "fight fair" and use "I statements" etc. Practice makes perfect, okay well not perfect, but better.

    Ask him, what's to loose by going? It can only make the marriage stronger.

  7. I think it's time for a serious talk between the both of you when your not angry with each other.  Let him know how serious you feel about this situation, and tell him your coming to the point that you feel your going to have to separate if it's not worked out.  Hopefully he will see how serious things have become or learn this through the talk and you'll be able to work some things out.  

  8. just take a little time apart, then you both will relize that you miss the person you fell in love with and come running back

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