
I don't write anymore...I use to write...I don't believe in myself anymore...I hide behind my writing?

by  |  earlier

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Help? I want to write and express my feelings...




  1. Most  artists go through the hellfire of doubt ?  go through it through from time to time,manic depression goes along with artists fields...............History reveals genuis is a fine line of pleasure & pain ...take a rest,rest your mind,and try & find inner peace again,ou will then rekindle that drive...good luck !

  2. ok well try not only poems go for soem songs. and if you really enjoy writting, then try soem songs, and maybe learn guitar or piano, becuase just knowing a few chords on a piano can really help exspress how you feel by just how the chords sound.

    but if you anrt into music then i just suggest that you try writting not exactally how you feel, make it a mystery sort of, like try to use other words to exspress how you feel. like talk about a dog house compared to a hurricane. you know? i know that a  bad comparision but im just trying to give an idea. i like to write too. if you ever want to talk just e-mail me!

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