
I don't write for stupid people.?

by  |  earlier

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i don't mean to be pompous, but i don't want your answer if you don't give any effort to understanding. think, and let me know any thoughts please.

thanks so much:

A poetic politician dissin the risen cataclysm decisions fascination with prison, racial divisions like Christian Schism, brothers of catechism spillin crimson, creeds aspire to be pimps and catch a glimpse of pierced limbs senseless violence like chimps getting higher than blimps off that girl Mary J. esteem art and lyricism as nil, poppin pills but still stayin ill, and sellin Monet for a hit of that yay.




  1. very good,vary good keep writing.

  2. Well aren't you tooting your own horn? First off the easiest way to lose an audience is by insulting them. If someone doesnt understand they are not stupid, they are just not informed-and if you are to point out someone's intelligence then your use of grammar could be cleaned up. You may want to sound "street" yet there is nothing wrong with spelling out the words as they are meant to be written. That being said I think much of it sounds good, yet I think you may bite some of your style off a rapper you mentioned in an earlier post (Eninem) and to me the Mary J part could be removed and I would never notice. It doesnt fit for me

  3. If you can give it a meaningful syntax when you rap it, it seems good.  I like these kind of lyrics in that kind of music.  Might need a fair bit more for the whole song.

  4. Excuse me!! If you submit your poetry for public submission then you lose any right to say who can read it. If you don't want certain people(who is to say who is stupid) to peruse your poetry then don't put it into public forums like this.

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