
I dont care, I'll ask it. Are you better off then you were 8 years ago?

by Guest64433  |  earlier

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I'm not democrat or republican. I think neither one cares about us. The working man.




  1. ~~~~Yes! I sure am~~~~

  2. Absolutely not. There's no way that I will ever help put another republican in the White House again.

  3. Heck yes.  

  4. conservatives(type of republican), actually do care about the working man

    if u would listen to some people like: Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity u would figure that out

    it is the liberals (democrats) who want to tax the h**l out of us and dont care about the working man, the more money u make, the more they want to tax u (they love welfare too [the lazy man's free salary])

  5. NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...      That is a resounding NO.    Far worse off.  Anyone not in the billionare class is deluding themselves if they say "yes".    

  6. Yep. It's all about choices. Apparently you may have made the wrong ones.....

  7. 8 years ago I was 10 years old.

    And yes I am better off.

    When I was younger, I grew up on food stamps and living in what we call the "chancla" which is basically the "poorest" area of the city I live in. My father was in and out of jail and my mother was a college student. Now we live on the opposite side of the city with good money, a good home, and nice cars. My dad has a good high paying job, thanks to the rehabilitation organization in our town. My mom is a teacher for a government organization. [Head Start] I am a college student and an honor student and looking forward to this year.

  8. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!

  9. Financially, yes.  But I was just starting off my career 8 years ago.  Is most of my family? No.  Are most of my friends? No

    In every other way, no.  It is time for a change

  10. The bridge between the middle and upper classes has vastly increased during the last eight years.  With tax cuts concentrated primarily on the wealthiest 1% of the nation, gas spiking to record levels, inflation increases on all necessities,and the current health care crisis, the real estate market in deplorable condition; the working people of this country are sliding deeper into the abyss.  The theory of trickle-down economics has never worked in the past, and this administration decided to try Reagan Plan II.   The answer is a resounding NO.

  11. The whole country is better than it was 8 years ago.

    life is better and nobody is attacking the US

    even Our very poor have color TVs and cell phones


    the media gives bad news better the election to help the dems

  12. A lot better. Remember, as for the working man goes, CONGRESS not the president has the purse strings. The Libs have congress. Also look to your own state. 99% of the states with Lib governors belly up because of taxes that are impossible.  

  13. Hello , NO

  14. Of course I am.  And you know how much credit I give to the government?  None whatsoever.  It's not their fault when I fail, it's not due to them that I succeed.  99.9% of the success or failures people deal with is due to their choices in life.  That's what it means to be FREE!

    I saw a guy on CNN complaining about how in the last 3 years he and his wife have had 3 kids even though neither has a college degree and combined make maybe $45K a year.  He was saying that he's really struggling, and it's all because of the government.  I guess the G-men were sneaking into his room at night and impregnating his wife while keeping him from enrolling at college.....

  15. No, not really.  Everything costs more.

  16. As a matter of fact yes I am . Opened my business in a gold mining town . Where there is enough local economy to support small business.  

  17. h**l no!

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