
I dont drive but my learner license is revoked,someone used my detais?

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I dont drive but my learner license is revoked,someone used my detais?




  1. until you can prove what you say to the dmv,you are screwed.and if they used your info to get a d/ sure they used it for credit purposes also.i'd be doing some in depth research on myself if i were you.

  2. As stated above, you will need to prove this and it will be very difficult to do.......if it is true how did this other person get your permit in the first place and what was the violation.

    If a ticket was issued then you can speak with the officer and tell him the situation and see if he can remember if it was you or someone else..

  3. If it was a bike licence you have to pass your test within 2 years or you lose it for 1 year and have to reapply.

  4. Hi, Don't just let it pass, ask the DLVA for further details if need be go to Citizens Advice they will give you good advice . And also what else has your details been used for I would not rest until i found out what has been going on with your identity.

  5. Question for you, WHY was your licence revoked and how did you find out about it?

  6. Prove that is wasnt you driving and appeal to the police/dvla.

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