
I dont even know what to do anymore!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so my boyfriend and i have only been together for two weeks. And i feel bad, because he really likes me but i dont think i have ever really had any feelings for me. I said yes, because i wanted to give him a chance. I mean i liked him before so i thought why not. But i like this guy in my italian class. And we started to talk and he always looks at me and always knows where to find me. Am i being fair to myself and to my boyfriend? What should i do?




  1. does your boyfriend have 8 gold medals? HA didnt think so.

  2. duh. drop your boyfriend. two weeks. really?

    go for the italian class guy. you like him, he seems to like you.

  3. alright youd break his heart girl.

    help a brother out, dont break up with him for atleast.....8 more weeks.

  4. just tell him its not going to work out and date someone else. be honest!

  5. i really hate girls that say yea and doesn't have any feelings!!!!!!!!!!!

    should had never said yes,but yea if u don't like it then break up before its too late

  6. just break up wit him i would get jealous if he had his arms around other gurls BTW

  7. Well just break up with him.Its not that serious.Its only been 2 weeks,

  8. follow ur heart and not ur head

    because sometimes not all the right things u do is right for u

  9. Two weeks and gurl u really dont like him and you like another guy u need to just let him know it aint goin to work move on and holla at mr. italian.

  10. oh this is a hard one

  11. tell him,the truth makes life so much easier. trust me

  12. Let him go, he's not worth it. You  must know that in your heart!

  13. He's got two girlfriends at one time? how old is he? and you have to decide rather its worth the stress.. Make him choose, or you'll end it..

  14. You should dump him and go out with someone you actually like. It's not fair to all three of you to keep this relationship going.  

  15. Ya I'd bully him too

  16. I didn't read it

  17. You guys have only been going out for 2's good to part now if he's not what you are looking for.

    WAIT...he has had '2 GIRLFRIENDS' at one time?????? omg!

    please leave him. O_0

    anyhow, you can't 'make' yourself like someone, right?

    and, again, OMG, he had 2 girlfriends at once and you are going out with him?? woah.

  18. don't lead him on! that's the worst thing to do if you don't even like him that's not fair to you or to him. because if you don't like him and your dating that could really be keeping him from dating someone who dose like him. and also its not fair to yourself, because your keeping you form a relationship with someone you like.

  19. No, neither one of you is being fair to the other one.  You two are not ready to be in a committed relationship.  You are already jerking one another around by constantly flirting with others in your minds and in your actions.  Admit you've made a mistake and get out of each others lives, before one of you really gets hurt.

  20. Well first you have to ask yourself what you want in a relationship.

    Be HONEST with yourself first of all. If you really want to explore and date multiple men, admit it to yourself AND to your boyfriend(s).

    Second, you have to ask HIM what HE wants in a relationship. If he's not honest with you, dump him and move on.

    If you're young and still experimenting and not looking to settle down, ask yourself if you want to try and be monogamous yet. If both of you are okay with it, go for it.

    In the end, honesty is the best policy in the long run. It might cause some pain in the short term, but in the long run it'll be happier for you and any potential boyfriends. Know what you want, know what they want, and work from there. Don't play games.

  21. Dump him and try to get a date with the guy in the italian class. I mean this guy you are with sounds like a player, and don't lead him on, be true to your feelings. So why stay with him if you don;t like him? he will get over it. Who cares!? You will get over him and he will get over it in a week. Try to date the italian class guy!

  22. break up with your boyfriend-

    he seems like a playerish guy and he can probably find someone else and if you dont have feelings for him it not right to keep going out with him. Also it limits your chances with the italian guy

  23. Just be honest with him. It's only been 2 weeks into the relationship. So you won't really hurt his feelings ( to an extent) if you don't want to be with him. Are you happy with him? If not, you need to re-evaluate the relationship and either move on, or be willing to work things out. but since you have no feelings for him, i'd be better to just break up and move on. Communicate with him.

  24. Well , 2 week long relationships aren't exactly very close~ so yea if u don't like him why make both of u and the guy from the italian class suffer? Just break up with him .. As for your boyfriend putting his arms around anyone , i think he's just trying to be friendly ( depending its a boy or a girl)

  25. Look it's two weeks. If it is not working out just tell him politely that it's not working and go talk to the cute guy in your Italian class.

    If you are unhappy and uncertain this early on there is no real future there for you anyway!

  26. well in my opinion, you should be true to yourself and just let him down easy. hey you never know you may find that you like this other guy more then your man. its okay to be honest and meet and date other people. if not you two can possibly get back together sometime if it doesn't work out.

  27. Firstly, be truthful to yourself. Dont make excuses and say stuff like he had 2 g/f's at a time coz u already knew that when u started dating him. If there is another guy you are attracted to then its good you found out now. It's still early in the relationship, you can take it slow get to know the other guy and see if there is chemistry between you'll. You can tell ur b/f that you want to take things slow and want to see where it goes.

    There is no sense in getting into a relationship just b'coz you want to give someone a chance. Thats not fair to either of you and its difficult to make such relationships work. You should be with him only if u want to, enjoy his company. love him. If not its better to move on and find someone who u really care about.

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