
I dont ever feel anything??

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alright so i just dont feel anything ever and im not depressed cause i dont feel sad or anything as a matter a fact its like i have suppressed all emotions and even if i want to feel them i cant feel them anymore.... do some people just not emotions at all or is something seriously wrong




  1. It's a condition called Anhedonia, which is defined (not quite accurately) as "An inability to experience pleasure."

    It is a temporary mental condition, similar to depression, and I suffered from it ENORMOUSLY until I found the cure (after trying Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, etc. which helped a little, but not for long).

    The cure is Fish Oil.  Omega 3 Fish Oils, specifically the ones they sell at Trader Joe's.  Take 3 large pills every morning right when you wake up. Don't skimp!  Take at least 3 pills every morning.  The Omega 3s help regulate serotonin and dopamine in the brain.

    You should also be taking a broad spectrum multivitamin (the ones they have at Trader Joe's are good).  And remember to eat lots of food, don't forget to eat.  Don't go crazy on junk food but carbs actually do help foster serotonin.  Eat rice.  Some people report depression lifting completely as soon as they've finished eating a meal that contains rice.

    Absolutely cured my anhedonia and my depression.

    Good luck!

  2. Emotions can be a release. It's probably all happening to you sub consciously. Who knows whats going on in there?

  3. Scott Peterson was said to be incapable of any real emotion.  He has been diagnosed a psychopath.  Hmmmm.

  4. you usually feel like this when something bad has happened to you like mentally. you go numb

  5. well how do you know if you never do you know what your missing

  6. please go and see your gp, it does sound  like some form of depression, there  are so, many different forms of it,

    explain how you, feel and see what he suggests,  

    have you, had any bad emotions, as a young child, that could be the answer  to all your  problems, it works in so many different ways,

    and can effect people , in so many  ways,

    i feel totally numb , and empty all the time .but mine is caused through being osterasized as a child, because of an illness,

    that, i had , so you , see what i'm talking about now.

    please do not sit there and worry yourself  silly over it.

    talk to  your gp ,

    you , may feel empty , numb, lonely, people do, care ,

      otherwise i wouldn't suggest this .


      keep in contact with me,  

    i  know the feeling only too well , and i have had 47 years of it.

      good luck ,  and think positive,  ok!








  7. Have you ever felt emotions?

    You say you are not depressed but this lack of emotion can be a sign of depression.

    Your system can be just so overwhelmed by what is happening to you that it protects itself by shutting down and not feeling anything.

    I would go to your doctor and get checked out.

  8. I rarely show strong emotions, but I think thats just the way I am.

  9. i think that  it is life that dose that to some people  

  10. Your emotions are buried deep inside of you. But I think you're lacking the mental stimulation that brings out those suppressed feelings. Perhaps you should meet new people, or go somewhere exciting? It's definitely worth a shot. You'll never know, unless you try.

  11. you lack empathy... eg. you get caught bashing someone up, you feel something, if you walked by, you feel nothing. you might want to see a therapist... my little cousin lacks empathy - she was born addicted to heroin.

  12. Hi, I know how you feel, I don't feel (or therefore) show emotion, I haven't done since I was a kid, and then it was rare.

    Whether its a problem or not depends how you look at it, do I ever feel like I am missing out? Sure, there are times when I wish I had that overwhelming feeling of happiness, but on the other hand the people I know who have that, also have the flip side - unhappiness in bucketsfloads at times.  I don't have either.  Short term I think its  appalling that I can really like someone but just 'accept' it if they decide to move on to pastures new, and let them go with just a wave.  Long term I think I will be OK, deep down I know whatever happens I will be OK with it - and that has to be a positive thing.

    When I try to describe these feelings 'to my other self' the word robotic comes to mind. I have no idea what caused me to be like this either.  I am in my 50's now and just accept my 'alrightness' with everything. What I do have is hope - and perhaps that is why I am OK with the present.  

  13. When in doubt - have it checked out...

    What you describe sounds like 'flat affect'. Not generally dangerous by itself, but could be treated, if necessary!

  14. I'm sure there's something wrong with your nerves in your brain you must consult a doctor a best one.

    you know there's no person that does not have an emotion except who are dead already.

    Can you feel the heat of the sun, the coldness when it is cold? Or not at all?  

  15. Some people are just like that..

  16. Hey! See yourself on the mirror and try to admire yourself. Talk with

    your friends and family members.Try to eat good nutrtitios food and

    sleep nicely.Sing and dance with your friends to make your mind free.

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