
I dont ever feel like anyone is genuine?

by  |  earlier

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like, if I get invited out or to a get-together, or is someone (woman or man) stops to talk to me I always feel like, why are they talking to me? or why do they want me to go out w/ them?

I feel like there always must be another reason & its not because they just like me as a person




  1. We've been socialized to see only the two ends of the relationship spectrum. As you read this, even the word relationship is usually taken in the "boy/girl friend" sense, which totally eclipses simple to the point friendship with no strings attached - right?

    Therefore, it seems that sometimes because we are all weary of what we look for in a person, if the person that doesn't even come close to partner potential, they are not even friendship worthy. We need to rethink what it is we want in life as its clear that most of us want friends, but due to insecurities we all have, we sometimes want to rely on selecting those persons that encompass both a friend and a potential partner. If not, then we should be friends with everyone, by that logic, and expect little if not nothing but company.

    I still think friends of the opposite s*x are possible with no strings attached, but attraction varies person to person so while i don't think of them that way, they may about me...

    Who really knows, but the fact remains we humans are social creatures and will be interacting with others for years to come. Enjoy meeting others.

  2. This is a very very very bad belief in the people maybe (she/he) like you or something why they must have benefits from you

    maybe is a real relationship

    try to look to the world by a white spirit and good heart

  3. What's important is that you are genuine.  When you are a sincere, genuine person, you will attract like-minded people to you.  Don't be afraid to be yourself and let  people get to know the real you.  Your genuine friends will be drawn to you because of who you really are.  The ones who are insincere won't stay so you needn't worry about them.  Go with the flow.  Be concerned about yourself.  Remember that most people are good at heart.  Be sure that you are doing the things that you want to do, and that you're not doing things to be a people pleaser.

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