
I dont feel pretty anymore?

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i use to be really confident but lately i keep comparing myself to others, like my sister i think she is sooo pretty and i get so jealous of her somtimes,people say we look really similar and i can see the resembalance but i still dont feel pretty =[, its mostly cuz of my nose, its kinda unusual and even though usually im happy with my looks lately its bugging me, so how do i get my confidence back???




  1. you cant gain your confident back by people telling you how. its your personality. you own it you change it.  

  2. Everyones pretty no matter wut any1 else says ur just into peerpresure dont worry talk to ur mom or dad or aunt or any1 ur really close too

  3. no one can gain your confidence back is you. and im still learning this myself because i too am in this situation. But the advice i give to you and myself as well, is very simple but a MUST. You have to believe that you are pretty and learn to be comfortable in your own skin and not constantly judge yourself. its a hard job but overtime you will get it.

    It may not come fast and easy but its all about progress.

    When you see that gorgeous girl walking by, admit that Yes she is pretty but so am I. She;s no better than me and im no better than her.

  4. cheer up bub everyone's beautiful in there own way

    and dont listen to Jax he's just an idiot...and he's not worth even one glance...ok!

  5. Stop trying to compare yourself to others that just does not work, God has made you a very pretty person& he see`s you as that, If you go to

    church go to the preacher and talk to them about it.

  6. Every single time you look into a mirror, smile and tell yourself that you're confident with your looks.

    Believe me, it works. It takes time, but it works. It helps build self confidence.

  7. Is that you in the pic.  Im no homo but you are really pretty!

    I say try focusing on other things like dancing, studies, chores, etc or just try a rewarding SPA DAY TOPPED WITH A SHOPPING SPREE.

    I say it is just a phase that will hopefully pass in no time.  

  8. Listen,

    Every body is pretty in their own way.

    Even u hav sum prob on ur nose, it doesnt mean ur whole body is ugly!

    Cheer up!!!

  9. Awhile back, I had completely lost my confidence. I compared my hair, face, body, practically everything to practically everyone I passed on a daily basis. You know what helped the most?

    I realized that every else was most likely doing the same, some of the people who appear to be the most content and confident, tend to have very low self-esteem. You are your harshest critic, always remember that!

    Main message: just love yourself, I promise it works better than any other advice that I could give.  

  10. It's about what's on the inside blah blah blah and all that c**p. It might be a teen thing and you could be going through a phase. Do something that makes you happy and gain back your confidence. I think it's the confidence that brings out the beauty.

  11. yeah. im not happy with my looks because i started comparing my self to other girls in my school especially and now look i want a nose job.

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