
I dont feel right, im not the same

by Guest60356  |  earlier

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Ok so don't say its puberty right away. I'm 15, and I'm the girl who is best friends with everybody, I'm the teachers pet, I'm bubbly and outgoing, i love parties,and social events. I'm really liked in school. I'm really loud and i laugh(ed) constantly. But lately, i don't have any interest in anything anymore, i don't go anywhere with my friends, i don't answer their calls, i blocked everybody on aim and MSN, i don't eat anymore, i always sit in my room and i don't talk to my parents and family, and i broke the family vacation up. I just feel worthless. I start crying at randome times. For no reason at all. The only two people i talk to are my best friends in america. Something always hurts me, either my hips or my back, and i have migraines,but not this often, but lately i have them every single day. But ive had a blood checkup like 3 weeks ago. And I'm all fine. But i just feel empty inside. Maybe home sickness? I miss my home in MN, [now I'm in germany], and last year at this time, i was busy with packing and moving and everything. So what do y'all think this could be? What should i do about it?




  1. The things you mention all sound like signs of depression. And I'm glad to hear you're wanting to do something about it as that's a sign that it's not yet clinical depression - which is very hard to recover from - but still in the early stages. But if you don't start taking action now, things are likely to get worse, not better.

    You really need to talk to people, preferably to some people who know something about teenagers and depression so that they can point you in the right direction.

    Read for some advice for teens on recognising and dealing with depression.

    And you might also try or  both of which have forums and articles for teens on depression - you don't have to give your real  name.

    Good luck!

  2. i swear to god you just totally described me, im like that too now, its really wierd.i dont think my block to the world around me is as serious

    though but i think your problem may seriously be depression, cause some of your descriptions sound like symptoms of it, i know its tough, but try asking your parents if you can get proffesional help, like a phsycologist ...sometimes all you really need is someone to talk to, but its not the same response from a parent or freind so its easier...hope you feel better soon

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