
I dont get enough sleep because, well i just cant get to sleep. what can i do to help me fall sleep?

by  |  earlier

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....i cant get comfortable and im not tired so I lay for hours trying to sleep. and im tired during the day. I cant sleep!! what do you suggest?




  1. dont eat big meals before you are heading to bed. try and go to sleep the same time each night, that puts on ur body clock, so at that time when you go to bed, ur body knows whats going on. also turn off any lights, sounds that might distract. if you are lieing there and cant get to sleep within 20minutes. get up and do something. read a book, newspaper, ect. when u feel tired again go to bed. if something is on ur mind write to down to ensure yourself that u wont forget it, if its something you can do now, get up and do it. good luck!

    if all else fails go see ur doctor.

  2. Meditation, clense you clogged mind, young grasshopper. |-)

  3. turn off your computer?

  4. You read some interesting novel or any good literature when you step into bed. Also take deep breaths slowly. Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly for ten minutes before going to sleep.

  5. sleeping medicine

  6. sleepin pills? think of nice things, get excercise n fresh air.. dnt go on ur comp as much x

  7. I feel you. 4:38 in the morning...still no sleep.

    Please avoid pills to help you sleep at ALL COSTS. They make it so you rely on them for sleep. That is not cool.

    I just go online until my back/butt hurts so much that I have to lay down. When I lay down on my bed, it's so much more comfortable! haha. Weird method, but give it a try!

    Of course, give reading a good book a try. I always think, my god, I don't have any good books! Go to the book store, library, and find a bunch of books! Even if they don't count as what you'd think real books are (let them be teen soap books or trashy books) as long as your eyes follow the words on the page, it should really help.

    Good luck!

  8. it helps me if i take a hot shower right before bed, but my friends say that just makes it harder for them.

    make sure your in total darkness, with no sounds that will distract you

    if you have like a dog or cat or husbain youre that sleeps in your bed and they keep getting up or snoring or something, kick them out of the room.

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