
I dont get why ppl like i kissed a girl?

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i cant stand that song by kat perry i kissed a girl... i think its pointless and disgusting. anytime i see that its on the radio or tv i mute it and dont listen to it. yea its tempting so see why everyone just loves that nasty song but im proud ive never heard the whole song. can u please tell me if u like that song and why. i just think its downright nasty, unchristian and a waste of a song. and if ur g*y i dont wanna hear all that c**p like "u just dont like g*y ppl" stuff. im asking for an educated opinion




  1. What a freakin moron.

    Why come ask for answers in the g*y section if you don't want to hear g*y people answer it?


    Guess what?


    edit: Why would I want a relationship with jesus if I am a L*****n?

  2. you want an education answer? well then ask an educated question, you are being immature and naive

    ok you dont like it, who cares?

    not everyone thinks its nasty, i think its pretty katy perry is so s**y (yea im a girl ) LOL

    newsflash-not everyone is christian!!!! i hate when some christians belive that everyoen must act christian, and flollow christian rules, cause not everyone is a christian DUH

    lol way to ask this is the g*y section...good job

    *i have acepted christ in my life, i just hate when christians act so mean and predujust

  3. I liked that song at first but then I heard it all the time and got sick of it. But there's nothing nasty about it...

    How is it "unchristian?" If you don't like it, don't listen to it. "All Around Me" by Flyleaf is about Jesus, who I don't believe was anything special (Jew here) but I don't diss people who like the song. In fact, I do like that song.

    Feel however you want, but know that other people are going to feel however they want, too.

    Edit: No, I'm sure you'll do enough accepting Jesus for me. How about I won't force my religion down your throat and you won't force it down mine? K thanks :)

  4. YOU'RE asking for an EDUCATED opinion? Really?!

    ....I can't be too sure, seeing as how your spelling and sentence structure is far from educated.

    But I will answer it.

    People like the song because it has a nice beat. Even I, a girl who hates the song, can admit that. It's trendy for girls to be bisexual, which is another reason the song is so popular. Many young women make out with other girls at parties and such to turn on their boyfriend. That's why most of the girls I know like it.

    The REAL bisexuals I know hate the song, because they can recognize the fact that the song is further pressing bad stereotypes regarding bisexual women, as well as pushing the idea of cheating and other such silly things.

    I agree with you, that the song is dumb. But you are being a tad homophobic. Keep in mind that most girls listening to the song are not g*y, and neither is Katy Perry.

    But also keep in mind that God created all people. He loves everyone, according to belief. I myself am not a Christian, nor do I believe in God. But I would think that someone as Christian as you would know to love and accept everyone. That is what true Christianity is. You're warped views are hurting society.


  6. I heard Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl" once,  I think, and wasn't particularly impressed.

    I like Jill Sobule's song from the 1990's -- same title, but completely different song -- MUCH better!

    Oh, and I really don't need you to pray for me, I have my own relationship to G-d, thankyouvverymuch.  

  7. lmao

    i love that song

    and this is the g*y section, sweetheart.

    quit being a bigot. christains don't own the earth there sweety, i'm atheist actuially, but even i wasn't, i'd still like it. it's catchy and just... well, a good song as far as op music goes. my friends got me hooked on it. it's a harmless little song.... why waste ur time bitching about if u hate it so muhc? have you ever kissed a girl? it's really nice.... her lips are so soft....

    oh, yeah, forgot to meniton, i'm a girl, and engaged to another girl. u have a problem with that? thought so.

    edit, wouldn't god haveing a relationsship with me be condidered statutory rape? i'm 16...

  8. seriously thereb are worst songs out there, its really catchy

  9. haha your an idiot i dont need you to pray for me if god is so almity he loves us all for who we are.

    and even if you didnt want a g*y persons oppinion well you asked in the wrong section.

    but to answer your question most bi and g*y people dont like the song because they think its taking the p**s "i kissed a girl....just to try it"  "hope my boyfriend dont mind it" so its about a straight person kissing a girl and by the way god doesnt say anything about to girls being in love so get over it and listen to the song i think its kinda catchey

  10. its a song.

    why your getting so worked up over a song,, for one,, is beyond me.

    i like the song,

    my friends like the song.

    even my mother likes the song.

    just because you like it doesnt mean you agree with the lyrics.

    the song has no meaning other than

    the woman kissed a girl.

    if you wanted to hear meaningful songs

    with actual meanings

    ((to yourself))

    turn to the christian station.

    && get over the fact that people will make music

    whether you like it or not.

  11. not everyone is a christiann,,

    and some people,, most people in this section most likely find you offensivee.

    whyy is it so disgusting in the first placee,,

    whats so wrongee aboutt itt,,


    thatss the answerr.

  12. In my generation, and the one after, it's become almost trendy to be "bi". In fact, most of them aren't even bi, they're just seeking attention, and impressing their boyfriends. It's frustrating, and puts a negative light on true bisexuals, or lesbians.

    The tune is rather catchy, but I dislike the song. It also helps that I have an aversion to pop music. I'll stick to artists with some substance.

  13. Meh, its an ok song, nothing special, this song is so obviously about a straight person experimenting by kissing a girl, many lesbians don't like the song, don't understand why though since its doesn't mention anything L*****n at all in the song...and please grow up! get rid or your prejudices you got from a book!

  14. Who care's if it is unchristian, we are not all the same religion. It's a popular song that it why people like it because that's the music they like. Oh, and how is it nasty?

    Edit: Go HaK!

  15. I FREAKING HATE IT!!!!! All it does is promote promiscuity and perpetuate the idea that being L*****n or bi is "hip" and "cool"....She seems to me to be the type of girl who will go into a club, make out with girls to get attention and then leave with a guy. It pisses me off! People like her are the reason that sooooo many teenaged girls are running around saying that they are bi or L*****n even though they would only kiss a girl, no s*x, no relationship..."just make out and stuff because it is so fun, hehe", and they do it soley fot the attention that they get. Ooooo, I get all mad talkin about it. Anyway, I don't care for that song : )

  16. Ewww right on girl i hate that nasty song. yea hip hop songs might be degrating and everything but at least its about a man and a woman. gosh what was on her nasty little mind when she wrote that song. i cant believe she use to be miley cyrus back up dancer. until katty asked her to kiss her at a concert. ewww im so glad miley said no or i would so not like her anymore. girl im so on ur side on this one... i so hate this song. God did not mean for girls to go around kissing girls or boys kissin boys. eww i was at school and i saw these too girls makin out ewwww talk about nasty.

  17. Well, being a Christian, I guess I can see how you might dislike the song.  Since I'm not a Christian, I measure things a bit differently.  I don't see anything wrong with the song at all.  It's not encouraging violence or murder, it's not denigrating women or those who are different from the norm.  It's a simply little song about a woman deciding that she liked kissing another girl.  My daughter listens to it fairly freuqntly, and I don't have any problem with that.

    Have a nice day!

  18. Um....did you read the section you were in? This is the g*y section, of course nobody is going to want that comment. God also tells people not to judge. You can have a relationship with God without being straight. I love the song. I think it's catchy, and the video makes me hott.  

  19. Every one has own opinion.

    And I like this song! Cuz it smth new! =)

    I think you take notice for more & more bi. g*y guys, lesbians and others - so "I kissed a girl" - its Musical answer for informal direction.

  20. Well I dont like it, but in my opinion, it is a ton better than most rap songs, where they talk about pretty gross things, and like its just sorta a fun song, not meant to be taken so seriously. If you dont like it thats fine though, I dont either, just your reasoning is kinda off.  :)

  21. You obviously call yourself a Christian because you fear what will happen after you die.  Here's a reality check for you... Christianity is not about death but about life and love and forgiveness.  So please do pray for those who you believe need Christ's guidance, but don't judge and don't pretend to know what someone else's fate will be when the day does come.

    You are not God and your are no more godly than the most evil of men, because you are human and until you have entered the gates of heaven you shall be blind to eternal truth.

    I say this because you may need to look into your heart and maybe pray for yourself to see what true unconditional love really is.  Self righteousness is not a quality that was ever spoke fondly of by Jesus.

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