
I dont have a date for my brothers wedding?

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im 13..does this still make me a loser that i dont have a date for his wedding? idk...are ppl looking at me like o she must be a real freak or have a really bad personality cuz she doesnt have a date. i no that ppl are ussually embaressed if they dont have dates to like weddings and ecspecially there really close family like a brother. im confused. i mean im not even allowed to date but i just wanna no if ppl r gunna be judging me there....?




  1. Hey... weddings are like my favorite event. Your gonna have a great time. Besides your family is going to be there and your going to want to mingle with everyone, and i thing a boyfriend/date would only make that harder to do. So go, alone, and don't even think about it. Just have a good time

  2. No, you're 13. :)  Don't worry about not having a date.  People won't be looking at you anyhow.  They're gunna be busy looking at your brother and his new wife. :)  So you don't have anything to worry about. :)

  3. Of course not. Go and have a good time.  

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