
I dont have a social life because of my mom?

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i need help the last time i spent some time with someone other than my family [other than school] was about a month 1/2 ago

because my mom just always finds excuses for not letting me go

shes crazy or something she even grounds me for no reason literally minutes before i leave

i dont know wat to do

i need to get out of this house or im gonna go crazy





  1. Well since you say you always argue, perhaps she feels like she's losing you as you grow up? I don't know your situation obvs but you could try talking about it with her, or maybe just casually mentioning how you feel like you're drifting from your friends or something and it's making you really unhappy.

    I know it's not easy to talk if you don't have a strong relationship, but it could help. But then perhaps try asking to go out ages in advance, or maybe if you think she has a problem your friends and that could be the problem invite them round or somehting so she meets them, so she might feel better about you going off with people she doesnt know. That way she might feel happier about it and you're proving yourself to be responsible.

    But god, mothers can me annoying (:

    and if all else fails, sneak out ;P

  2. Idk If I i can help but ill try

    Say you have a afterschool activity (sports,clubs)

    Then just use that time to hangout

    with your friends

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