
I dont have a uva/uvb light,will that affect my turtle?

by  |  earlier

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I dont have uva/uvb bulb could that make his shell look dead and stuff like his shell doesn't look healthy im sure its not algae. im afraid it might be an infection or because I dont have the uva/uvb light thingy thats why his shell looks like that. Or maybe I'm not feeding him enough colorful foods. I keep his water very clean.And I have two filters.Also what's the difference between a uva/uvb bulb is it all one bulb.any help would be greatly appreciated =] I made a video its bad quality but I tried.=/




  1. Where is the fish for him to chase for exercise and for the calcium and protein he NEEDS!!!!???

    That is sooo IMPORTANT! for his health.

    Get a cuttle bone from the fish dept and toss it in the tank with him for added calcium. If he eats it great or nibbles on it  that’s fine!!

    FEED guppies and minnows..

    Did you know that they need to bask under a reptile light for  8 to 10 hrs a day for the vitamin D that  they need to grow.

    It sounds like Shell Rot. *** First make a dry box to keep the turtle in, shell rot needs water to grow.

    Keep it warm and give it plenty of light. Scrub the shell gently with a toothbrush and water. Let the turtle swim for about 20 minutes a day in something other than his pond or tank that has real clean water. 1-2 times a day take a cotton ball apply Hydrogen Peroxide to it then to his shell. It'll start bubbling which means its cleaning it. it. DO NOT get it in his eyes. Then clean the shell and apply providone-iodine solution to the shell, coat the shell and don't clean it off until he is ready to swim the next day.** Keep this up for several weeks and it should go away. . Leave the heater on 75 to 78 degrees always.

    Their water needs to be clean otherwise they get sick easily from dirty water cause they p**p allot.

    You need a good filter system!

    You need to feed them feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows for protein and calcium daily.

    They need leafy greens for vitamins at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    Take him outside and let him bask in the sun for a few hours a day.  Make a little area that he cannot get out of and let him get some rays !

  2. without UV light your turtle will not be able to process calcium properly this will lead first to a weak/soft shell then weak/deformed bones then death

    it needs a uv light (within 6" of the basking area and remember u need to replace the uv bulb every 6-8 months) or it will become ill and die

    i just hope there hasn't been any permanent damage to your pet but u need (and this is another need) to take it to the vet and have it checked over. it may need a D3 shot or other treatment due to your neglect

    and next time u get a pet do the correct research and learn how to care for it and get all the correct equipment

  3. your tank looks really bare how about you get some large gravel or river bed stones for the bottom, it would also be nice if you had a few water plants for him to swim among, the dock looks too small for him, but you do need a UVB light as it is essential for the turtle to absorb calcium and food, the basic set up should be a dry area with a basking lamp, a lamp with uv lighting in a water filter and heater, your turtle looks healthy at the moment but if you don't supply the proper lighting and heating he will get sick, you can also add some feeder fish so he can hunt them and get some exercise, but at the moment your turtle does not have anything to stimulate him, the best thing you can do at the moment is to get your turtle checked over by a vet and improve the tank for him you need more than just water to keep them healthy and active

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